Alternative Applets Wanted.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2024
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I am looking for advice on alternatives to the following applets, I am trying to avoid anything that is connected to microtwats and google and their spyware.


In the software Manager there is skype does that mean that microtwats can not track me




Skype....either Telegram or Signal ....both in Software Manager idea
Paypal..."" "

Teams is in Software manager....but you have to sign into m' that's a no

youtube......there are a couple...I forget their name.....someone here will remember
I still use youtube......but I NEVER sign in. Google is forever complaining that cookies are blocked on my browser, so I have to be doing something right. (I use brave browser)
I am supposed to caution you, Mark, about paying out on "that OS", but when I read what you called it I almost peed myself laughing. Go easy on an old bloke with an aging bladder.

There is also Zoom available in Software Manager.

Brian ^^^ and I tried Skyping maybe 3 years or more ago, fricking hilarious, I could hear him, but I could not get my sound configured properly, so I was just waving and signing.

For Teams there is this

I used skype with my family quite often until a few weeks ago that I convinced my parents that using the phone was more practical than sitting down in front of their desktop computer. It works OK, audio and video and all, well, for being Skype.
I use zoom here on occasion, seems to work Ok for me. Haven't used skype in years so can't really comment on that.
I am trying to avoid anything that is connected to microtwats and google and their spyware.


In the software Manager there is skype does that mean that microtwats can not track me

Skype is a division of Microsoft. I would forget about not being tracked. It is guaranteed.
Top 2 YT alternatives are rumble and odysee,
Difference between the 2 is that rumble has rich backers and is receiving more financial support than odysee, on another side odysee is decentralized and you can find a lot of political videos, especially those who are oppressed and censured.
