I wasn't on the site during this time, so I can't say firsthand, but here's some graphs during the last 12hrs.
If you want, you can PM me your cell number and I can send you a text whenever there's an outage lasting longer than 10 minutes
while I'm here. I obviously can't send you outage notifications if I am not online at the time.
Heck, there's probably a free/cheap uptime monitor that does SMS, or you can use your cell phone's MMS email address. That's something like <phone_number>@myverizon.com or similar.
Taking into account the pages lead nowhere/are unusable, it is just a bit of bs from cloudflare
This site has too much dynamic content for a CDN to really show a useful cache. My Linux site has less dynamic cache, so it's up even when the actual server is down. CF could show the front page, I suppose.
There's only so much that can be done in the real world, at real world prices. It's possible to do a cluster with redundancy, including databases. I don't think that's realistic for us, unless a whole lot of people suddenly start supporting the site financially.
Man, that'd be fun to set up. If we do that, I want to help!
Edit For Those New To This: You can check here for uptime reports:
Linux.org - Uptime Report
As this site is behind CF, pings and traceroutes are going to work/look the same, even when the site is actually down.