Brighten Up Your Day - GRUB Menu Theming - Wizards Corner

We need a "Food Thread"

Am I the only one to take notice that a 5 year old boy views a burrito as a reward for good behavior in Australia? A burrito? In Australia? True blue, mate?
Dinki Di, cobber !.... 5 year olds will take whatever they can get for good behaviour here !

Indeed we do.

@Mike13Foxtrot how about starting one in Off Topic?

LOL, yeah we're pretty multicultural here, Mate - we eat Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Italian, Thai, Korean, even KFC.

I am glad that you survived that foreign KFC food.

We don't normally eat KFC food, but there was a time when I had to make frequent stops at the KFC between work and home when my partner had intense cravings. I saw many cockroaches there and the entryway/order area floor was always greasy. Thank goodness that phase lasted only 9 months.
This one is from my Manjaro 17.11 Cinnamon.

Brian @Condobloke shared a photo with me and I thought it would make a good background.


I might call it Brian's Man Cave
And this one has a short story - I was watching an episode of the wonderful British Forensic crime show "Silent Witness" and I paused it to go and grab a beer, and when I came back I thought "THAT would make for a good wallpaper", so it is now and it is in the menu for my Peppermint 9. That will be retired in April with End of Life, but I will be keeping the wallpaper for another Distro.


It is sad about Peppermint. I liked it, but I replaced it with MX on my dual lap/touch screen. Just like with Peppermint, MX Linux needed nothing special for touchscreen to work. Peppermint using USB Format was able to recover a 500gb HD that was used for a Win10 recovery and only showed 32gb and could not be formatted even with GParted.

But I was able to install USB Format onto MX. Which now is on that Dell dual, and Dual boot MX 19 and MX 21 on an HP laptop. And my old Win8/Mint dual boot cause I never used Win8 and Mint would not upgrade. Unlike on my Dual Win10/Mint PC, mint GUI upgrade worked fine, Mint on the HP laptop got hung up on Timeshift. Kept saying it needed a current Timeshift yet it was, Soooo I just removed all and replaced with MX 21.
This one is from my Linux Mint 19.3 'Tricia' Xfce - another one soon to be retired, but keeping that wallpaper, lol.

This is Nanpu Bridge, in Guangdong China. I am quite taken by the splash of orange, but would you want to be the electrician who changed all the light bulbs? I think not.


It's from my Linux Mint 20.1 'Ulyssa' Cinnamon.

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