Can AI Zoom the Popularity of Linux?


New Member
Jun 9, 2024
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I once had a local and affordable IT company partition the system drive of an old Dell desktop and install Fedora 18. I wanted to use it for better security when web surfing while using Windows XP for everything else. But I kept getting deluged with inscrutable updates, and being a Linux dummy (and content to remain that way), I soon got fed up with not knowing how to manage that OS to maintain its stability but without wasting time learning how to do so. Plus, it was of course annoying to have to flip back to Windows XP every time I wanted to use my favorite apps-or to have to use Windows to go online anyway for downloading links or other stuff which I had Fedora email me. So, of course, back to Windows I went-and have been there ever since.

But I’m hardly the only one by now whose wondered that with AI fast tracking the growth of power and expandability of all kinds of tech, what if Linux developers could harness the more affordable (??) chunks of AI's tool set to remake fundamental aspects of Linux that (somehow) by doing so could make it way more popular in nearly every way? That is, an OS which:

1.) Almost never require dummies like me to use the Command Line.

2.) Has a desktop that’s totally mouse operable and GUIs which look and feel as Windows and/or Mac-like as (legally?) possible.

3.) FIRST TIME EVER ability to run Windows apps!!!!!

4.) Make installing (essential only!!) OS updates as safe and dummy proof as Windows updates.

AND this may be the ideal time to think hard about implementing this kind of redevelopment as next year Intel will have their Arrow lake desktop processors out, equipped with AI acceleration for the OS and apps which can exploit its benefits. Indeed, AMD may have their AI CPUs out even sooner-and with climate friendly TDPs likely way lower than Intel’s.

So if Linux developers could start brainstorming how to implement AI to achieve all of the above and further improve ease of use and stability of this OS, the popularity of Linux could skyrocket.

But assuming that an AI driven restructuring of Linux is very doable and cost effective, how would such an undertaking be funded?

And who or what would coordinate this project?

Postscript: The fact is I LOVE MS Office. I think it's a superb office suite, and I'd be paranoid about using my MS Office created files with something like Libre Office. And as for things like Wine, I'm sure there are several of my apps besides MS Office which at best will run quite bugly on it. So, I can't be bothered fooling with anything like that.

The real problem is that Microsoft unfortunately rose to become the dominant global IT power. And as knowledge is power they are a major part of the 1%'s intelligentsia. And now, at least as per the rumors, Windows 11 is poised to spy on users like never a Windows OS has before. And going forward, it will only become more so.

Thus, it's chiefly for those reasons why I wish Linux geniuses would get serious about making this OS as Windows morphable as possible. And if it takes AI to do it, then why not? BUT just don’t partner with eco-monsters like Bezos or Musk to make it happen.

Almost never require dummies like me to use the Command Line.
We don't have a command line, we have a terminal which is more powerful
Has a desktop that’s totally mouse operable and GUIs which look and feel as Windows and/or Mac-l
even windows is not totally point and click, but if you want a hackingtosh or fractured windows look alike they are out there
FIRST TIME EVER ability to run Windows apps!
not likely to happen until windows switch to the Linux kernel

Make installing (essential only!!) OS updates as safe and dummy proof as Windows updates.
best laugh i have had this week, why do you think you get so many Windows updates every time you switch off, in april alone [last date i have a record for] there were patches issued for 147 flaws in Windows and related software. [I belive this to be a new record]
So if Linux developers could start brainstorming how to implement AI to achieve all of the above and further improve ease of use and stability of this OS, the popularity of Linux could skyrocket.

the only thing the 500 or so desktop Linux distributions have in common is the Linux Kernel, all the distributions are built by companies [System 78, Conical, RHEL] or by independent teams and in a few cases by individuals, all who have their own idea of what a desktop distribution should look and feel like.
And if it takes AI to do it,
Personally, I don't think AI is intelligent enough at the moment, if you read some output from AI assisted post, it is often dated, and often dangerously so, at the moment they [to me] seem to act as glorified screen scrapers and compilers, they cannot think laterally

My own opinions
We don't have a command line, we have a terminal which is more powerful
"terminal"? Another name for a box where if you don't enter some big line of code (which as I've mentioned I DON'T want to spend time learning about) then you can't do so and so.
even windows is not totally point and click,
Yes, but for the most part it is, so what should I learn to be a hacker? Boorrrriiiiinnggggg!!!!

not likely to happen until windows switch to the Linux kernel
You're probably just saying that to be contrary. In any case, that's where AI magic should be applied to make both kernels (WETF they are) alike enough to thereby make Windows apps run on Linux. AND as AI always does, it keeps learning more and also more faster-so the likenesses it had created between Windows and Linux can soon be more even more so.
best laugh i have had this week, why do you think you get so many Windows updates every time you switch off, in april alone [last date i have a record for] there were patches issued for 147 flaws in Windows and related software. [I belive this to be a new record]

Are you serious? I've been using Windows 10 Pro ever since 8/22, when these guys built my HTPC. Not once can I recall any kind of a hiccup with updates.
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the only thing the 500 or so desktop Linux distributions have in common is the Linux Kernel, all the distributions are built by companies [System 78, Conical, RHEL] or by independent teams and in a few cases by individuals, all who have their own idea of what a desktop distribution should look and feel like.
Then I guess the world will continue being dominated by Microsoft and its thought police, unless there's some kind of an OS community agreement on (using AI or whatever) to make Linux as much like Windows as any dummy (well, perhaps not a total dummy) would want. That's the only way Windows and those fascists will ever be dethroned-and you know it. I only saw this guy yesterday but he speaks a lot of truth.
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Personally, I don't think AI is intelligent enough at the moment, if you read some output from AI assisted post, it is often dated, and often dangerously so, at the moment they [to me] seem to act as glorified screen scrapers and compilers, they cannot think laterally

At this point, much of that is likely true, though why I'm not equipped to say. I just know that observing what's happening in the stem cell/genetic medical and Audio/Video fields, AI seems able to help noticeably advance the pace of progress. So if something big ever changes in Linux-even it's somehow very bad-I'd be surprised if it didn't happen because of AI.
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@jumponlinux :-

So; basically, you'd like Linux to morph into a free version of Windows?


Dream on, sunshine. Never going to happen.

Anyway, Linux is no longer dominated by the command-line. You're living in the past if you think that's the case.

"The Terminal" will ALWAYS be there, because it's by far & away the most powerful way to control your system and make it jump through the hoops that YOU want it to jump through. But one hell of a lot of work has gone on behind the scenes over the course of the last decade.......and there are now distros where it's entirely possible for the average user to never need to go anywhere NEAR that big scary thing called "The Terminal", and to do everything, all day long, via GUIs and mouse-clicks.

It's as slow as molasses, and takes forever to get anything done, but that's what people seem to want. Because that's what Windows has conditioned them to be USED to.

Whatever "floats your boat", I guess....


EDIT:- Have a read of this. It might help you to understand the whole ethos behind Linux/open-source/FOSS, etc...

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1.) Almost never require dummies like me to use the Command Line.

Ubuntu (or mint)

2.) Has a desktop that’s totally mouse operable and GUIs which look and feel as Windows and/or Mac-like as (legally?) possible.

Ubuntu (or mint)

3.) FIRST TIME EVER ability to run Windows apps!!!!!

Wine (kinda).

4.) Make installing (essential only!!) OS updates as safe and dummy proof as Windows updates.


Srsly always install your updates. Or just set it up so it does so automatically.
Your question :

Can AI Zoom the Popularity of Linux​

Answer: from my experience with AI....


(an alternate question: Can AI do "it" for me....Answer: No )

(another alternate question: If I was moving from Linux back to Windows, could AI do that for me. Answer: No)
basically, you'd like Linux to morph into a free version of Windows?
I know that much of the virtues of the Linux OS is about it being essentially freeware, but I'm perfectly fine with paying for what I'd want from Linux on my current desktop pc and laptop, or at least the desktop build planned for next year. So, by now can most local IT service companies configure Linux to run MSOffice 365 without create catastrophic document file errors?
.......and there are now distros where it's entirely possible for the average user to never need to go anywhere NEAR that big scary thing called "The Terminal", and to do everything, all day long, via GUIs and mouse-clicks.

It's as slow as molasses, and takes forever to get anything done, but that's what people seem to want. Because that's what Windows has conditioned them to be USED to.
Well, there's some good news for a change. But I don't find mouse clicks any kind of a speed bottleneck for anything I need to do.
Wine (kinda).
Kinda's not good enough.
Answer: from my experience with AI....


(an alternate question: Can AI do "it" for me....Answer: No )

That's why there are developer TEAMS-like working on solutions using more than one brain? Isn't that how most big software and hardware improvements happen? Stop making excuses for why it can't happen or why it shouldn't.
Moving this to General Computing, it's not about Getting Started.

Chris Turner
I dont make 'excuses'.....I deal with reality, every day is a site full of doers.

Your progress will be marked by doing, not by dreaming of the 'what ifs'

I applaud the dev teams that work towards breakthroughs.

In the meantime,
Thus, it's chiefly for those reasons why I wish Linux geniuses would get serious about making this OS as Windows morphable as possible
Why in the name of all that's holy would they wish to destroy the last 20+ years of work and do that ? about retrograde...

There is a point you have missed. That is that Linux is already better than Linux.

The fact that you are on Linux ,org attempting to discuss this is fair proof of that

If not.....then why exactly are you here if you believe windows to be superior? ....there has to be something niggling at you regarding windows. What is it? it the fact that their updates are a problem?....their security is not up to scratch? well as being the most used OS on the planet they are also the most attacked via malware/etc etc etc etc....etc...or their customer support is struggling to catch up/stay caught up, etc ?....It may be because win 10 is about to hit end of life and you do not look forward to win 11 ?.....

I would at least partially agree with your summation of M'soft Office. I do not use....have never had the need to.

""The real problem is that Microsoft unfortunately rose to become the dominant global IT power"".....and there you have it in a nutshell. .....but then you blew it away with ""they are a major part of the 1%'s intelligentsia."" the absolute dramas and lack of remorse for their mistakes, either unintentional or intentional (Windows 11 is poised to spy on users like never a Windows OS has before. And going forward, it will only become more so.)......Intelligent, No....Devious?....Yes.

AS for running things like windows office etc etc on Linux?....forget wine. etc....Either, run a VM, Set up your PC as a dual boot (windows and Linux), or have a separate drive with windows on it.

When we stop sniping at each other, I will make a recommendation for you.

Which OS to run?.....Linux Mint Cinnamon (subject to seeing the specs of the intended PC)

Whether it be dual boot or windows on a separate disc.....largely personal choice....dual boot is probably more convenient, but if I had to make the choice I would prefer a stand alone disc,ssd etc

Welcome to

(apologies for any mistakes above,,,typed in a hurry)
It may be because win 10 is about to hit end of life and you do not look forward to win 11 ?.....
Bullseye, which if you read even partially through my first post I explained that Windows 11 is designed to be as much of a threat to user privacy as the spyware Microsoft purports to protect us from.

et up your PC as a dual boot (windows and Linux), or have a separate drive with windows on it.
I said that in my first paragraph that I paid someone to do just that but it in practice it all ended up being a PITA to use.
Which OS to run?.....Linux Mint Cinnamon (subject to seeing the specs of the intended PC)
WTF? I thought that Linux is the OS and that things like Mint and Fedora are the GUi's you can choose to layer over it, no? Anyway, if Linux or Wine can't run my Windows apps without errors then I give up.
Sorry I wasted everyone's time.
I said that in my first paragraph that I paid someone to do just that but it in practice it all ended up being a PITA to use.
In bold......that is more than likely the reason you found it to be less than comfortable to employed someone else to do it....In other words, you did not own it.
Doing it yourself with help from people like the members here, is, in my opinion, the key to a successful outcome. When you have managed to break an OS a few times and then fixed LEARN .....
I thought that Linux is the OS and that things like Mint and Fedora are the GUi's you can choose to layer over it,
I feel that your thinking has been clouded by the fact that you have either not read enough or you have certainly not experienced enough. For example, by the time you downloaded LM21.3 (linux mint 21.3) and "attached" it to a usb stick via Balena Etcher and then booted your PC to that usb would have experience.....and you would not forget it....because doing is learning.....I can also say without fear of contradiction that your journey to do what I described above would take up a minimum of three pages on this forum, possibly more.

What has been discussed etc etc etc etc so far, has only taken up less thean one page

Don't apologise, time has not been wasted. If this was a waste of time, nobody would bother answering.

Bringing about a change from Windows to Linux is not easy, it requires input and a change of mindset. The input is difficult enough, the change of mindset can be damn hard.

Picking a OS on this forum (example, Linux Mint) and following a number of threads from beginning to end will seem like double dutch at first.....and then at some stage a few light bulbs will illuminate.

Why Linux Mint ? Because it is arguably the most followed OS on this site, and therefore receives the most support from the most members.

Your call. No need for a reply unless of course you wish to. You can follow any post you wish by simply clicking on Watch ( I have screenshot the spot...below. This is on your thread.

Are you serious? I've been using Windows 10 Pro ever since 8/22, when these guys built my HTPC
Absolutely, I am a member on several security review sites the number of windows and associated updates are regularly updated
I just know that observing what's happening in the stem cell/genetic medical and Audio/Video fields, AI seems able to help noticeably advance the pace of progress.
what you are describing is not full AI, it's AI assisted, a bit like a robot in a car factory, each machine is designed to do one job instead of a human operator but that's all it can do.
in Linux terms, I suppose that would be like installing Aero-Linux into a cruse ship and expecting it to fly
..that is more than likely the reason you found it to be less than comfortable to employed someone else to do it....In other words, you did not own it.
Doing it yourself with help from people like the members here, is, in my opinion, the key to a successful outcome.
Sadly, WRONG! The reason why I gave up on using that Fedora/Windows XP partition was because I got fed up with not being able to use ONE OS to run my apps-which are WINDOWS apps. And everyone here said I can forget about ever being able to run them on Linux. So,there's no point wasting time learning anything about Linux, which, with all respect, is Booooooorrrrrrrriiiiinnnnnnnggggggg!
Absolutely, I am a member on several security review sites the number of windows and associated updates are regularly updated
I haven't even received all that many Windows 10 updates since 8/22, and NONE of them caused any noticeable operational issues.
So,there's no point wasting time learning anything about Linux,
As I said up there ^^ somewhere, change of mindset is damn hard. That change of mindset encompasses quite a lot,,,different style of navigation, different source/s for software, it does require a reasonable amount of thought. It is not just point and click. In other words it is not done for some point you get to own the OS. It is can do whatever you like with holds barred. if you break it, you can fix it. If it is not fixable (in other words you destroyed it to such an extent..), then you can simply reinstall it. Again, Free.

Good Luck with Windows 11
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A few things you probably do not know

Microsoft are one of the biggest financial supporters of the Linux foundation
Windows coders use their own in house LINUX distribution, not windows for programming.
Microsoft Cloud does not run on Windows, it uses another Microsoft in house Linux distribution
Windows incorporated WSL into W10/11 to make it easy for customers [yes, customers as you pay for Windows] to run Linux
Microsoft list Linux .org as the main go to site for help and advice on Linux

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