Can't boot to windows after installing linux


New Member
Jun 24, 2024
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I decided to try out linux to see how it feels. I didn't want to install it on my laptop storage, so i did it on USB. After going through the instalation process and testing linux, i can't go back to windows from the BIOs menu, and it would show me only the USB in the boot settings.

How to fix this?

Did you change your boot order settings in the Bios? Or did you use the short boot menu [usually F12 depending on machine]
This causes to boot me into BIOs menu, nothing more.
when you remove the USB the machine should default to normal boot sequence, are you sure you installed Linux to the USB drive and not to the main drive by mistake?
if you are sure you have not deleted windows then follow the following instructions for your windows build

when you remove the USB the machine should default to normal boot sequence, are you sure you installed Linux to the USB drive and not to the main drive by mistake?
Im sure. I even removed the usb while using linux and the os would go into black screen, being unreaponsive until i restared pc
I even removed the usb while using linux
that alone would suggest you have installed it to the main drive, try the windows' recovery instructions i gave you the link to
The standard process of installing linux on the main drive involves flashing a usb drive, booting from it and then proceeding with installation steps. Unless you had a second USB for installing on the first one or something similar you 100% overwrote your windows.
I've had success with 'boot-repair-disk' for automatically fixing boot problems.

This problem is probably resolved already but the easiest fix is to boot Windows installation from USB and run "Fix my computer" option which will rewrite boot loader.
