Deleted member 108694
Expirion 3.2 Is now Released on 19Apr2021 Kernel is now 5.8.0-50 LibreOffice is 7.1.2 plus several internal security updates get the ISO here https://sourceforge.net/projects/expirion-linux/Latest Update 01 Mar 2021
Expirion 3.1 ISO is Buntu 20.04.2 based distro about 1.7GBs in size
Linux Kernel is 5.4.0-66 Xfce desktop is 4.16, LibreOffice is 7.1.0
Mozilla Firefox is 86.0, Thunderbird is 78.8
qBittorrent 4.3.3, VLC Player 3.0.12, BleachBit 4.2
Expirion Linux
Download Expirion Linux for free. Expirion 5.0.6 Xfce is based on Devuan 5 and does not use systemd but instead uses RunIt. The LXQt version uses SysVinit - Some software that is included are LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird , Audacity, Brasero and VLC Media Player All ISOs are 64Bit only...sourceforge.net
Here is ubuntu support status below
Aspire-E5-575G:~$ ubuntu-security-status
2263 packages installed, of which:
1693 receive package updates with LTS until 4/2025
470 could receive security updates with ESM Apps until 4/2030
97 packages are no longer available for download