gnome display scale management issue


New Member
Jan 2, 2023
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I am using the gnome desktop.
My resolution is Full HD 1080p. When I set scaling to 100% it looks very small and when I set to 200% it looks very big. Is there any way to set in 125% or 150% in display scaling?
I don't want to use another desktop manager.
gnome is simple and easy to use.

Which distribution are you using and which Gnome version? Looks like you could use fractional-scaling although it still seems to be an experimental feature.
Or you can try using xrandr.
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Thanks Broo...

I'm Using Linux GNOME 43 latest version

Brother their is any option through command line to change the display scale size in fraction.

Im not an user of Ubuntu.
Im not an user of Ubuntu.
...which does not tell us what you are using.

If you are using Kali just say so, your avatar suggests that.

In that case, this should be in the Kali Linux subforum, and I will move it there.

If you are using a Debian-based distro, issue the commands in Terminal

sudo nano -m /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults

then at the bottom add the lines

# Scaling Factor Setting
# ======================
scaling-factor=uint32 2

Save and exit the file and then run

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3

Once done, reboot and see how it goes.

If you are not using a Debian-based distro, that last command will be different or not apply.

So help us to help you.

Brother their is any option through command line to change the display scale size in fraction.

Im not an user of Ubuntu.
You didnt share your distribution but if you had taken the time to read through both of those articles you would have seen that it is possible by either enable experimental features using.
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['x11-randr-fractional-scaling']"
Or by using xrandr using the --scale option.
Screenshot from 2023-01-04 23-20-10.png

Gnome tweaks has you covered. You can adjust everything to one onehundred's of a percentile, choose a more readable font and adjust font size for every type of text output that is available.

You can get those by executing the following two commands:
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
You can review the full guide to gnome tweaks on the GNOME TWEAKS GUIDE.

Courtesy of the nut for whom this was the first thing he poked at as soon as he installed his first distro on his pc.

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