Hello, I am Jennifer.

If you're here to learn, you're in the right place.
If you're here to learn, you're in the right place.
Yeah: this place is great for linux OS questions and command line stuff.

However, people generally use stack exchange for computer science and coding queries more often: so research before asking questions.
Hello @jennifer_
Welcome to the Linux.org forum, enjoy the journey!
Welcome to the Forum.
G'Day Jennifer, welcome to the forum.
I just joined a few weeks ago, I got rid of that god awful windoze 11 and install Linux mint and I found the people here are extremely helpful answering all my question.
Welcome to the forums
G'Day Jennifer, welcome to the forum.
I just joined a few weeks ago, I got rid of that god awful windoze 11 and install Linux mint and I found the people here are extremely helpful answering all my question.
I'm recent convert as well. A month or so ago, I had to get the cheapest laptop I could find. I bought one brand new. I skipped all the hoopla that goes along with a new PC, setting up your new MS desk top experience, Silverlight validation, hours and hours of updates... blah blah.

Nope. Nope. Not for me anymore, not ever, ever again.

The first thing I did before even turning on my shiny new cheap laptop was to figure out how to get into UEFI. From there, I changed the boot order. Then from the live Linux Desktop I wiped Win 11 from the drive and installed Linux.
Also a good place just for fun. This is a remarkable kind forum

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