Help with Wireless Touch Keyboard Mouse Combo


New Member
Aug 18, 2021
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Hi - Been happily using Linux for years but please hear that I'm not IT savvy and do not speak computerese. : )

Am running Ubuntu 20.04 on my PC. Been using Logitech K400 Wireless touch keyboard/mouse combo for years and now a K400+. It's spoiled me to be able to work on my lap – plus no longer have shoulder strain from having to deal with a separate manual mouse.

I just now realized that the K400 is NOT supported for Linux but it mostly worked for years till just now.
For past 6+ months Cursor was ‘freezing up’ in Libre Office, necessitating forced shutdowns of my PC. It rarely if ever froze while Online - only when using LibreOffice. Which I do lots daily.

I stumbled onto a hack by removing the batteries from the K400 for a minute. This magically was my repeated fix until now.

Since a recent minor Ubuntu update - the battery hack no longer works. Now I’m lucky to get 10 minutes typing in LibreOffice before it freezes again. And then must do a forced PC shutdown. Not good for my system and its holding me hostage...


1- Any other secret fix for this? If not -

2- Please HELP with recommendations for other brands of Wireless Touchpad Keyboard/Mouse combos that will work smoothly with Linux.

Thank you!

I had seen that before in researching my issue prior to posting here. But it does not apply to my usage. Thanks anyway
