Some distributions set up the Gaming aspect for you, like Garuda. Make sure Native steam and Runtime steam is up and running out of the box, the same with Proton and Mangohud, gamemode, and so on, so it's all there, and you don't need to do anything besides logging into steam and play. POP_OS has some of the stuff, so it's a little easier to get up and run, but Ubuntu has non of them installed, which means you have to install it all by yourself and compile it unless you know what you are doing; you may end up installing the wrong things and break the system or just get frustrated over some things don't work it's not just install steam and NVIDIA then go. Other libraries can help make the games run better, and distributions like Ubuntu don't have it out of the box. That's why i would never recommend Ubuntu as a gaming distribution unless you know what you are doing i only used Fedora once. I was not too fond of it, but i heard many are. For me, it didn't feel like a great experience when i was gaming on it, so i stopped using it. PS. Installing Nvidia is easy on Ubuntu-based distributions i always use sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa and then sudo apt update to make sure i have the newest stable driver, and for steam, that easy that sudo apt install steam. I have not seen Ubuntu-based distributions yet where that doesn't work, and on the arch, it just sudo Pacman -Syu since it should be in the kernel if it's an Nvidia-based distribution, from my understanding, and sudo Pacman -S Steam for steam.