How To Install Ventoy In Linux Mint The Easy Way For Beginners.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2020
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Download Ventoy and extract in Downloads Folder

Inside the extracted a Terminal and type…

sudo ./VentoyGUI.x86_64

Hit Enter and enter your Password...make sure the USB Drive is connected and selected.

Click Install...then click OK and click OK again.

Ventoy will now be installed to the Flash Drive...done.

There are plenty of videos showing how to do this...most are too complicated especially for beginners and some don't work.

This is a very easy way that works and anyone can do it...I used a 32GB Flash Drive and installed the latest version 1.0.91...once Ventoy is installed...go to the Flash Drive and click Eject.

Beginners please note...Linux is case sensitive so you must type the command exactly as shown above...hope this helps.
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I've never liked multi-boot Flash Drives till Ventoy came along because it's really can use the unused space on the Flash Drive for storing other stuff without effecting the ISOs.
If you follow the instructions in post will look like this...

When you get to this stage just hit Install...this is the latest version.
This works beautifully. Remember to download the .tar. file, rather than the *.iso file though :)
Silly me............
This works beautifully. Remember to download the .tar. file, rather than the *.iso file though :)
Silly me............

Welcome to the Forum.

Glad to be of help...Ventoy does come in handy sometimes but I still have some ISOs on single Flash Drives too.
(My current works are so many and un-overviewable, that I still could not do the install the Linux Mint Mate with the BIOS setting EFI (Legacy), which some are waiting my results this, sorry. Just to message it despite so mis-placed now here. If too mis-placed this message, please just one word, and I do change.)

The Ventoy here with in this forum discovering opens a possibility to me to solve some intentions on one stick.
The live-cd iso has the size of 195.6 MB, the linux-tar file 20 MB, the windows-zip 16,7 MB.
The live-cd does not run within a running OS, whether windows or linux.
The same I do imagine for the installation on an usb-stick. Despite the sizes - whether installed from win (16,7 MB) oder from linux (20 MB) - are so much smaller. It boots from the stick, without having to run within win oder linux.

Question: Do I imagine this correctly ?

And by the way: when Ventoy itself wants to be installed (as one of more bootable parts) on a stick, does for this has to be installed the Ventoy iso-file, or is it possible to use one of the other smaller parts ?
Imagine I do, the iso-file only works for this.

Or, if the non-iso files only run within a running OS (from the size just, my imagination), win or Linux, then it also can be installed into the running OS, not necessary for onto stick ?
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Question: Do I imagine this correctly ?

Just follow the instructions in post one and make sure you have a big enough Flash Drive.
Please, for to understand:
all the three versions to download - iso, tar, zip - are to create only a bootable (live-system) usb-stick ? (The iso also as CD possible.)
None of this 3 are able to install within an OS (win or linux) ? As usual installable programs ? Thank You.
What we are doing is to install Ventoy on to a Flash Drive only...for an obvious drag or copy your ISOs to the Ventoy Flash Drive as shown here...

To get to this stage you need to go here... it. Go down to it...the Folder will be Downloaded.

The Folder looks like this...

The Extracted Folder looks like this...

All you have to do now is follow the instructions in post one...hope this helps.
I did burn the iso-file to CD.
Did the install from there to stick.
Bootet from stick messages, some-where: no Grub-loader found.
And nothing else also found, how to install or copy the wished iso-files.
So did it manual the copies the wished iso-files.
The iso-files are found by booting the stick. But booting does not work, for a while, then the pc switches off.
Shall I do a new thread now for this ?
I did find those[title_only]=1&o=date
But none seems to meet my trouble. The iso-files copying had a progress-bar showing until download´s end. And switched off the laptop as usual.
I think the installing from CD I did miss something. Which leads to No Grub loader found.
I will try a new install from CD, despite still not knowing, what to change for install. With hope this does not delete the already copied iso-files.
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OK. ´Update´:
Did start the CD again. Choosed not the Install choice, but the Update choice (which does not format the stick).
Grub4dos loader still missing.
Bootet win10-iso with WIMBoot option. Until 100 %. Then some seconds started a Microsoft progress-bar. Then the laptop was switched off.
(Ventoy installed without ´Secure Boot´. Old BIOS with no ´Secure-Boot´ option.)
Any help here to expect, please ?
(Perhaps install WITH Secure Boot despite ?)

Note: Linux Mint Mate 21.2 boot works, in Grub2 Mode.

Update: Install updated to with Secure Boot: Win10 all the same.
Linux Mint 21.2 and Knoppix 9.1 do work.
Win10 also - what did boot so far - even does last long. So my next idea is to prepare the stick with a partition for win10 iso to install as DVD-version. (The lots iso-files possible to boot this way without extra partitions already is great.)
For to start (win10) from ventoy boot per Browse mode.
Rufus for me never did work at all.
I hope I can do the win10-iso - install to stick - with knoppix 7.6 easily. Despite the Ventoy ´easily´ currently the ´easy´ is just enough. Sorry.
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OK. Here it is becoming interessting, but sadnessly in german, what to do now ?: USB Stick für mehrere ISO Dateien mit Ventoy erstellen - Multiboot mit Ventoy - 10m 11s -

At about the 7th minute the win (10) iso boot gets to this message receiving: "Secure boot verification fail", with some steps following to solve this problem.
Sadnessly in my situation I do not get so far.
How to go on ? Any ideas ?
Here this (youtube) search-results lists some videos in english, perhaps even especial for win10.
Perhaps helps.
In my case, I cannot set in BIOS to ´Legacy´ this Laptop, but which is just a temporary one.
Boah, this all - until here - does make Ventoy not really very easy to handle.
(Sorry, It must not be written here now: try another hardware ..., thanks.
Currently I fear, just posting in a not well fitting thread this topic. But I asked.)
Please start again. (Bitte fangen Sie noch einmal von vorne an.)

GOOGLE TRANSLATE (Google Übersetzer)


Download Ventoy and extract in Downloads Folder

Inside the extracted a Terminal and type…

sudo ./VentoyGUI.x86_64

Hit Enter and enter your Password...make sure the USB Drive is connected and selected.

Click Install...then click OK and click OK again.

Ventoy will now be installed to the Flash Drive...done.

There are plenty of videos showing how to do this...most are too complicated especially for beginners and some don't work.

This is a very easy way that works and anyone can do it...I used a 32GB Flash Drive and installed the latest version 1.0.91...once Ventoy is installed...go to the Flash Drive and click Eject.

Beginners please note...Linux is case sensitive so you must type the command exactly as shown above...hope this helps.

Laden Sie Ventoy herunter und extrahieren Sie es im Download-Ordner

Öffnen Sie im extrahierten Ordner ein Terminal und geben Sie Folgendes ein:

sudo ./VentoyGUI.x86_64

Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste und geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das USB-Laufwerk angeschlossen und ausgewählt ist.

Klicken Sie auf „Installieren...“, dann auf „OK“ und dann erneut auf „OK“.

Ventoy wird nun auf dem Flash-Laufwerk installiert ... fertig.


Es gibt viele Videos, die zeigen, wie man das macht. Die meisten sind besonders für Anfänger zu kompliziert und einige funktionieren nicht.


Dies ist eine sehr einfache Methode, die funktioniert und die jeder ausführen kann. Ich habe ein 32-GB-Flash-Laufwerk verwendet und die neueste Version 1.0.91 installiert. Sobald Ventoy installiert ist, gehen Sie zu Computer und wählen Sie das Flash-Laufwerk aus und klicken Sie auf „Auswerfen“.

Anfänger beachten bitte, dass bei Linux die Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachtet wird, Sie müssen den Befehl daher genau wie oben gezeigt eingeben. Ich hoffe, das hilft.

Why are you posting a video (in German) about installing Ventoy in windowz ?

This is a Linux Forum and my Tutorial is about installing Ventory on a Flash Drive in Linux wonder you're confused...please follow the instructions I've posted.
@visionhelp , I believe you would be better helped if you could speak to someone in German about learning Linux.

Many nations have what are called LUGs - Linux User Groups, who meet physically or through email and the internet.

Germany has these as well.

I have found one in Frankfurt that is active (including this week), and they may help you to find one close to where you live.

You can see the Frankfurt one here

and for our Members who speak English, it translates as

Do please give this a try - we cannot understand you well and you cannot understand us well.

Hope this helps.

Chris Turner
sudo ./VentoyGUI.x86_64
I did write, this does not work in Knoppix 7.6.
So I did write the CD. Installed from there to stick. All well.
Boot Knoppix 9.1 (iso) and Linux Mint Mate (iso) works very well. Knoppix 9.1 even very fast.
But win10-iso does boot only until a special point, where then the laptop is just being switched off.
I did read in - this night - into some docs about Ventoy. And currently now I have an idea, why.
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This is a Linux Forum and my Tutorial is about installing Ventory on a Flash Drive in Linux Mint
After Ventoy wirte to CD works, and installed to stick, I have troubles with booting win10 (iso), Knoppix 9.1 boots, very fast, Linux Mint Mate also.
Why are you posting a video (in German)
From the 7th minute I did make some interessting discoveries, which I short did describe here with, I mean. (About a Secure Boot verification fail and how to handle it.)
I did not have the time to search it here for the forum in english. Had to figure out, what I received as infos. Sorry.
So, the installing is done and works, so far. The win10-iso now still is the problem.
I asked, whether I do better make a new thread, because I did not know, where to place else. Sorry.
I believe you would be better helped if you could speak to someone in German about learning Linux.
When finding this forum, from one impression at least I understood I was welcomed in german, and did register and therefrom my first post was in german.
What a surprise, being told to write in english. But OK.

Linux User Groups, who meet physically
Physically meetings: only ?
Let´s look. (In my town are currently only online meetings, even until the next year, this online meetings.)
(For Ventoy (on stick) with ´boot win10-iso´ trouble ? Which I now have an idea ...)

I am very sorry, that I still just did not know, how - and with which title to name - to post a new thread for this topic.
NOW I know, for example: ´Ventoy does not boot win10-iso´. But now, i fear, just too late, probably.
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