How To Install Ventoy In Linux Mint The Easy Way For Beginners.

The win10-iso now still is the problem.
Win 10 is not really a Linux problem. There could be all sorts of problems there which either relate to Ventoy itself or to win 10 itself.
Are you sure you can include win 10 and Linux on the same usb using ventoy ?
I have no experience with Ventoy in that regard.


This is an English language only Forum...we ask everyone to post in English and we welcome people from every country.

After Ventoy wirte to CD works, and installed to stick, I have troubles with booting win10 (iso), Knoppix 9.1 boots, very fast, Linux Mint Mate also.

From the 7th minute I did make some interessting discoveries, which I short did describe here with, I mean. (About a Secure Boot verification fail and how to handle it.)
I did not have the time to search it here for the forum in english. Had to figure out, what I received as infos. Sorry.
So, the installing is done and works, so far. The win10-iso now still is the problem.
I asked, whether I do better make a new thread, because I did not know, where to place else. Sorry.

Why do you put Ventoy on a CD...then to a Flash Drive ?

As for the win 10 ISO...I don't use windowz so I have no idea but all my ISOs work just fine in Ventoy in Linux.
...I was welcomed in german, and did register and therefrom my first post was in german....

That was not our doing, that was likely your Browser (Firefox, Edge, or other) translating it for you. We do not have a translation facility in place.

Physically meetings: only ?

I did not say that, I said

... who meet physically or through email and the internet.

Their website I linked to has a mailing list, and a Contacts section (Kontakt).

If you do not at least contact them, then you do not know what help they may be able to provide, in your own language.

Win 10 is not really a Linux problem. There could be all sorts of problems there which either relate to Ventoy itself or to win 10 itself.
All correct.

(Usual ´Reply´ (Quote) does not work currently: )
"Are you sure you can include win 10 and Linux on the same usb using ventoy ?":
Yes. So it is told.

"I have no experience with Ventoy in that regard.":
This in the main I understand it is for. (Copy just the wanted ISOs to the empty partition of the with Ventoy installed to stick ...)
What I am not sure is, to install - as on HD - different OSs on a stick (with Ventoy on).
The browser mode, I understand, would let them boot selectivly.

I solved the problem now, after having an idea. Win10 iso boots - in both modes even; WIMBoot and standard or normal called, do not remind now exact, sorry - all well. (Lasts I while, but I think not much slower than from DVD.
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Why do you put Ventoy on a CD...then to a Flash Drive ?
The win-version is 64bit and does not run on my - sadnessly - XP 32 bit only installed; but now too late this.
The instruction to install the Linux version-install does not work on my - currently for that only available - Knoppix 7.6.
So this was the only - well working way for me; despite I am not very familliar with CD/DVD writing - way for this.

"all my ISOs work just fine in Ventoy in Linux":
After did have the right idea, yesterday, as origin why not working, I did a test, on an other Laptop, and works. (Boots in both modes: WIMBoot and normal or standard called, I do not remind now exact, sorry.)
The trouble comes, my conclusion, from a BIOS option which is just not available (on a PC): the Legacy option (EFI or UEFI) to set or unset. It is from - when - just not exists.
That was not our doing
I did not say that ... (from anything I had this impression - perhaps just from german advertising -, from why I posted my first post in german, sorry.)

I did not say that, I said
Sorry, my question.

If you do not at least contact them, then you do not know what help they may be able to provide, in your own language.
Yes. But a win10(iso) with (and) Ventoy question as very first to a Linux User Group ...
But many thanks this info, I did not know, such exists. Interessting.

I could solve this trouble so far now myself, as written just before now. And so far from Ventoy now I am already very delighted.
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I have not used Ventoy....ever.

I have a small number of 8GB usb sticks which I will write an .iso to when the occasion demands. Usually just to satisfy my curiousity.

I am not in the habit if distro hopping.....i have no need to do that.

I am very comfortable with the distro which I have installed and have no intention of changing, unless something catastrophic happens to that particular distribution. That is highly unlikely.
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Oh, thanks.
Some more years ago I found Knoppix, bootable to run at once from CD - there are smaller CD-versions, near the DVD-versions -, now-adays called Life-system.
It took me years to get in touch with. Also WITH from very rejecting unkind Linux (Knoppix) forums, german and english.
The last possible download version 9.1 (9.2 and 9.3 only with in magazines) on stick is very fast.
Some fast views into win10 - and an XP trouble with eMail from TLS 1.1 oder 1.2 sudddenly required - did let me search and found Linux Mint described as near at XP the look.
I still could not work much with it, because all is new. And Knoppix I am a little more familiar with. And still have hardware troubles to fix still first.
Linux Mint Mate will be installed on a SSD drive. (Reliable was an other statement.)
I am not in the habit if distro hopping
Time, energy, nerves and the lots of Linux variants to me sets limits.

The speed of the Knoppix 9.1, already from the iso from the stick is amazing, but also ´installed´ on stick (as the DVD-version).
But my first impressions of Linux Mint Mate I think I like already more.
XP - after studying about 5 to 10 years, after 98 and - building together until the now-adays needs, what still is possible: is in my hand, instead of having the OSs me in their hand(s).
But this will be the last win OS to me; OK, WordPad I did take with to Knoppix.
(The win10 iso now on stick, only for a very few things, perhaps.)

I am very comfortable with the distro
Sounds only very good.

Sorry, off-topic, and if OK:
"The wounds remain.". There do exist possibilities to solve and heal hurtings, pains, wounds: complete. Just to mention it, please. Thanks.
(But the most challenge there, more than to find a (the) well fitting one, for the next or/and first step(s), is to find the best fitting person.)
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The 'best fitting' person has been found. The wounds etc are healed.
Download Ventoy and extract in Downloads Folder

Inside the extracted a Terminal and type…

sudo ./VentoyGUI.x86_64

Hit Enter and enter your Password...make sure the USB Drive is connected and selected.

Click Install...then click OK and click OK again.

Ventoy will now be installed to the Flash Drive...done.

There are plenty of videos showing how to do this...most are too complicated especially for beginners and some don't work.

This is a very easy way that works and anyone can do it...I used a 32GB Flash Drive and installed the latest version 1.0.91...once Ventoy is installed...go to the Flash Drive and click Eject.

Beginners please note...Linux is case sensitive so you must type the command exactly as shown above...hope this helps.
Man you are my saviour!! I'm new to Linux,I have watched hundreds of videos about this but you maintained my pressure level
Hello @christohere
Welcome to the forum, enjoy! ;)

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