How to stop: Unable to negotiate with [MyIP] port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1


New Member
Nov 11, 2021
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I have inherited an hosted Linux Server where all our Mails and other stuff are organized. With Debian Linux.

I assume he didnt touch anything for like 10 Years so its pretty old stuff.

Everytime I want to connect through SSH this phrase appears everytime:

Unable to negotiate with [MyIP] port 22: no matching key exchange method
found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

I know the right command after this is:

ssh -oKexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -c aes128-cbc root@[MyIP]

But what I really dont understand is why this exactly happens and what do I have to do that its stops to appear?

Is the SSH Version too old? Or can I Update my SSH without having login problems?

Is it Debian? And can I update my Debian through SSH/Bash?

It probably has to do with that your ssh client uses different KexAlgorithms and Ciphers (and or other encryption methods and such) by default because of the ssh version being newer on your client. Using the -o option force the client to connect with that specific KexAlogrithms and with the -c option the Ciphers. Then the server is able to understand the methods you are trying to make connection with so then you are able to connect. What Debian version is the server running currently?
SHA1 was depreciated long ago. Most SSH clients use SHA2. You can probably still find a client that will talk SHA1. The better option would be to update what I am betting is open ssh except you said nothing had been touched in 10 years. I would do as little as possible for fear of breaking other things. I would be thinking about building a new system and migrating to it.

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