I have a driver for my ELM 327 an it uses the pl2303 module which depends on the usbserial and this again depends on the pl2303 module.
What I tried:
sudo modprobe -r usbserial pl2303
sudo modprobe -r pl2303 usbserial
sudo modprobe -rf usbserial
sudo modprobe -rf pl2303
sudo rmmod --force pl2303
sudo rmmod --force usbserial
result of rmmod:
rmmod: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:799 kmod_module_remove_module() could not remove 'usbserial': Resource temporarily unavailable
rmmod: ERROR: could not remove module usbserial: Resource temporarily unavailable
result of modprobe:
modprobe: FATAL: Module usbserial is in use.
Also I tried it with the drivers loaded and unloaded.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
What I tried:
sudo modprobe -r usbserial pl2303
sudo modprobe -r pl2303 usbserial
sudo modprobe -rf usbserial
sudo modprobe -rf pl2303
sudo rmmod --force pl2303
sudo rmmod --force usbserial
result of rmmod:
rmmod: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:799 kmod_module_remove_module() could not remove 'usbserial': Resource temporarily unavailable
rmmod: ERROR: could not remove module usbserial: Resource temporarily unavailable
result of modprobe:
modprobe: FATAL: Module usbserial is in use.
Also I tried it with the drivers loaded and unloaded.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04