Icons on the desktop don't move.


Jun 5, 2024
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Hello, this might be a trivial thing. I searched the forum, but there was a different distro with different options, which don't show on my menu. I have this and cannot move the icons across. I am a gatherer, with spatial memory so I prefer having different parts of the screen for different things. Any help?


  • P1210792.JPG
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I do not know which desk top you're using, this works on a few
so give this a try
on the desktop, find a space and right click
from dropdown box, select customise
in the next box un tick auto arrange
now they should stay where you move them to,
Right click worked. I said it was a trivial thing :D
I added my distro to the signature/below my posts, not sure how many backgrounds there are.
OK so you settled on LMDE 6 which is one of the distros on my old dell lappy.
Oh ! , have you set up your firewall and timeshift, yet? Two essentials already installed , they just need setting up and activating.
Yes, clicked on the Firewall to be on and timeshift, if you mean the 'restore points', yes, just not sure it was on the correct place.

One more thing I had a question about: I didn't encrypt the home directory (folder, partition, whatever it is called) at the very beginning of installation but I encrypted the whole drive. Is that enough? I already go through two passwords when I turn it on LOL

As I do not take my daily drive machines out of the house, I don't bother with encryption on them, I use my Parrotsec drive when away from home.
Warning if you have encrypted the complete drive, make sure you do not forget your passphrase or you will not be able to recover anything
Do you have Timeshift set up to take automatic snapshots? I've seen a lot of posts on Mint's forums from people who do, and don't realize that taking too many will fill up your empty space real quick, causing problems (not being able to boot into the system, I think). Check your settings. Some people advise only taking manual snapshots before changing the system (updating, etc.).
Do you have Timeshift set up to take automatic snapshots? I've seen a lot of posts on Mint's forums from people who do, and don't realize that taking too many will fill up your empty space real quick, causing problems (not being able to boot into the system, I think). Check your settings. Some people advise only taking manual snapshots before changing the system (updating, etc.).
I think I set it on automatic, but there was some other setting, with number 5 in there and I put it on 3. Not sure now what I did, I am on a rollercoaster learning curve right now. How do I check it? I am not shy of the terminal if you give me the command.
Right now I am installing a number of additional applications. After I am done I will make an .iso image of the whole system.
I've seen a lot of posts on Mint's forums from people who do, and don't realize that taking too many will fill up your empty space real quick,
That is bad setting up, you only need the first [set up] and the 3 latest mine backs up every evening at 1800 hrs
As I do not take my daily drive machines out of the house, I don't bother with encryption on them, I use my Parrotsec drive when away from home.
Warning if you have encrypted the complete drive, make sure you do not forget your passphrase or you will not be able to recover anything
I wrote it down :D Like on a paper. I'll memorise it and then eat it :D
I think I set it on automatic, but there was some other setting, with number 5 in there and I put it on 3.
Sounds like that's a good setting. I don't use Timeshift, so I can't say for sure. Brickwizard is the expert here on that.
this is my setting
Screenshot from 2024-06-30 19-00-47.png
I suggest reading this: https://easylinuxtipsproject.blogspot.com/p/security.html

The website is authored by Mint forum member Pjotr, and he knows his stuff. AVs are unnecessary in Linux.
That's good to know. I have had a problem with my Windows earlier this year, Win10. I had Norton, full package, with like 10 licenses for other devices. I don't know what I did wrong (my other half doesn't have such issues), but there were some issues with the whole system. I tried to pause Norton, but that option was greyed out, impossible to do. They advised to reinstall it. It was just about 2 months new installation, from scratch, removing all previous traces of it (the only way to get the discounted version LOL). I uninstalled it and then found out Windows updates weren't up to date. And I couldn't install some important security updates in Windows. And other things. Like if Norton was masking it or something.
I found instructions how to extend the recovery partition on MS forum, because that new update was too large for how some PCs were set up (so they said on the forum). I succeeded, back in March. But I got fed up and was dragged into the Linux world bit by bit. And here I am. I still run that Win10 after a complete reinstallation, but when its support comes to an end next year, I will make it Linux, too. And the original Win11 that came with my practicing laptop is on a separate ssd it came with, in an enclosure, to be used if needed.
I didn't encrypt the home directory (folder, partition, whatever it is called) at the very beginning of installation but I encrypted the whole drive. Is that enough?
According to your screenshot entire drive is encrypted including /home, only EFI partition is unencrypted which is 989 MB and that's OK.
That is bad setting up, you only need the first [set up] and the 3 latest mine backs up every evening at 1800 hrs
Mine look like yours. NOt sure what cron emails are about.


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