Just a rant about Crapindows 10 (no need to reply; or do so if you feel like it)


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2019
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I really don't understand how can anyone voluntarily use that abomination Crapindows 10! 3 hrs ago the neighbour 2 storeys below mine brought me his office laptop because of performance issues that I had to fix. I figured I should connect it to my network for it to be able to update properly and after that I could run a virus check. I've set my network to have a whitelist of MAC addresses as a security measure (bc without that measure local scroungers still manage to connect to my network, despite the complex password), so I ran cmd and used "ipconfig /all" in order to see the MAC address of the wi-fi device. What a surprise - the damn thing had 4 (four!!!) different MAC addresses! I tried all of them one by one - no connection with either one of them. I disabled (temporarily) the whitelist and the damn laptop did connect to my network but it remained in it for about 5 minutes. After that it disconnected from it on its own and then refused to connect again. Since the performance issue decided to happen again while I was waging a war with the MAC addresses, I had to reboot the laptop. And guess what happened after that - a 5th MAC adress appeared... I was about to give up dealing with this Microsoft's garbage when I remembered that a few days ago in a drawer I saw a very old 54-Mbit USB Wi-Fi adapter Tenda (the same brand as my router). I penetrated the laptop's back entrance (dirty pun intended) with that adapter and another "miracle" happened - a 6th MAC address appeared. This time it was understandable and logical - a new network device, a new MAC. Finally!!! the stupid laptop connected to my network with the whitelist enabled and remained connected for a little longer than half an hour which was a hopeful event, considering the previous attempts... I updated it and finally managed to proceed with fixing the performance issue which was no less entertaining. When he brought the laptop to me, it needed 6 minutes to just load the login screen, 2 more minutes to realize I had clicked on the username and show me the desktop and on top of that the CPU was idling at 75%. And that's a 4th gen i5 which isn't that bad CPU after all. It turned out that whoever installed Crapindows 10 on that laptop had set only 100 MB page file (with just 4GB RAM available) and on top of that had turned up all the fancy graphical effects. The mobile AMD graphics card had just 512 MB VRAM. These two things were the reason for the performance issues. So I set up a 6GB page file, turned off all the fancy graphical effect and suddenly the laptop took a little longer than 30 seconds to start and show a usable desktop. Which is an achievement for Windows in principle!
Because of the "great" Crapindows 10 and its habit to generate new MAC addresses and then disconnect from the wi-fi whenever it wants, I lost 2 hrs 30 min. Straighting things up with the performance took me 5 minutes tops! I can't even imagine why any sane person would wanna use that Microsoft's crap which doesn't know what it does and why it does it! This is not an operating system, this is a torture!

This is what I do for a living ((re)installing Windows, programs and user settings) but from now on I'll charge double anyone who wants me to deal with Crapindows 10...



This is what I do for a living ((re)installing Windows, programs and user settings) but from now on I'll charge double anyone who wants me to deal with Crapindows 10...
I do that too and when people bring their stuff I start with: "You know, there's this wonderful OS called Linux, and guess what? It's totally free! You won't have to pay for use your OS and the software installed in it anymore! Just me, and once!(I don't actually say that, but I think it lol) isn't that wonderful? So, say, shall we install Linux?" They look at me like: "I've no idea TF you're talking about" and finally say "I just want my Windows back" lol I use Windows 7 and to be honest it ain't that bad, at least I can tell it not to update whenever it wants to lol
I do that too and when people bring their stuff I start with: "You know, there's this wonderful OS called Linux, and guess what? It's totally free! You won't have to pay for use your OS and the software installed in it anymore! Just me, and once!(I don't actually say that, but I think it lol) isn't that wonderful? So, say, shall we install Linux?" They look at me like: "I've no idea TF you're talking about" and finally say "I just want my Windows back" lol I use Windows 7 and to be honest it ain't that bad, at least I can tell it not to update whenever it wants to lol
The first I thing I offered him was linux but this was an office laptop that runs deeply specific program unavailable for linux. And since his boss was paying for my services, I did charge him double. If his boss can afford to buy a laptop with 8TB SSD, he surely can afford to pay $55 for my services. :)
But I did talk to my neighbour about his home computer and soon I'm gonna join him to the Arch family.
Stories like these make me glad that I'm not beholden to anyone and can use whatever OS I darned well please. For me, that's Linux (or seldom a BSD).
I kicked Windows to the curb 12 years ago and installed Linux.
Haven't looked back since.
I kicked Windows to the curb 12 years ago and installed Linux.
Haven't looked back since.
I kicked its arse in 2015 but there's still one and only one thing I need Windows (7) for - to reporgram the special keys on my keyboard bc the driver isn't available for linux. If A4Tech some day release a driver for linux, I'll erase Windows forever. I've programmed G14 to act as Ctrl+V and G7 as Ctrl+H. G12 and G13 act as Space.

A good rant there but canna noo blame ya for Vindows is frustration avenue.
There are those that get into a very deep rut and cannot get out of nay don't want to get out of it as it takes them out of their comfort zone by being required to do a little thinking.

seldom a BSD).
I was looking at BSD and to just download it didn't look to user friendly for a non-geek geek though one or two stirred my interest. Mayhap another time, another day will take another squizz at it.

Yeah I have to use Win 7 since there a couple of devices that I have require using a GUI interface that won't run on Linux. My Router and Dr HP for my printer to maintain the printer. The router although Linux based it requires Windows to interface with it. Cause ya know everyone uses MS now don't they?
@Nik-Ken-Bah I recently started dual-booting with Windows 7 due to work, otherwise I probably won't be doing it, that being said, it isn't that bad. I don't use it for too long either, only for 5-6 hours a day, and sometimes I don't even use it if I don't have to. I didn't even install an AV which I think is one of the most irritating issues about using Windows, maybe that's why I don't find it too annoying, after all, I'm in Linux most of the time. :) :) :)
Windows 7
That is one I liked too when using it all the time. It now resides on my HP laptop which I only fire up every now and again just to charge the battery and to basically muck around on.
Yeah! Having to have a AV was a pain and haven't re-installed it have I last had it serviced since the laptop decided to play funny buggers and not play the game.
I was looking at BSD and to just download it didn't look to user friendly for a non-geek geek though one or two stirred my interest. Mayhap another time, another day will take another squizz at it.

Look at GhostBSD. It's a stunningly beautiful operating system - with rock-solid stability. It's also trivial to install and maintain.
It's my favorite BSD.
I have heard a lot of comments about BSD and wanted to take a look at it just to observe its behaviour in use and would I be comfortable with using it. As it just may have features that better suit my needs.