Lightest Linux distros, easy for noob, with virtual winOS?

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reboot in the terminal did bring back the blackscreen with command-line of grub again. Next reboot, I just removed the Ventoy stick. Same boot results as before, selecting grub brings the blackscreen, remaining USB USB Hard Drive, Partition 1 didn't allow itself to be selected for boot.

Im not following here really.
it seems like i was mistaken about what was installed on each partition, but you know exactly where they are. i thought the last two entries were on the same usb. my apologies for the incorrect information.

i'm sorry to hear the grub was the same and didn't help at all.
Partition 1 didn't allow itself to be selected for boot.
if that refers to
UEFI: USB USB USB Hard Drive, Partition 1
i think that may be this entry from your efibootmgr output since it's the only other usb entry listed:
Boot0005 USB BBS(USB,,0x0)/VenHw(5ce8128b-2cec-40f0-8372-80640e3dc858,0500)..GO..NO..........V.e.n.d.o.r.C.o.D.i.s.k. .3...0. .2...0.0...................\.,[email protected].=.X..........A.............................<..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.{.U.S.B. .U.S.B...................\.,[email protected].=.X..........A.............................2..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.
i believe the entries you are able to boot all have an asterisk * after them (Boot0007* for example) whereas that entry lacks one. i think that means it is inactive.

you should be able to make it active with

#efibootmgr -b 5 -a

where the # again indicates that you are using a root prompt after su. after that you could try it again to see if it might work.
No reason to apologize, really. I myself would since long have given up on another, again not functioning Linux install. For which in this case clearly to blame an inapt installer, for not letting one choose to install on which drive, used in other distros than Robo too.

you should be able to make it active with

#efibootmgr -b 5 -a

Thanks again. Now no time left, will try later again.
you should be able to make it active with

#efibootmgr -b 5 -a

where the # again indicates that you are using a root prompt after su. after that you could try it again to see if it might work.
Interesting, because this was the new USB-3 with the second EasyOS install, which even without asterisk here, but did actually boot into EasyOS. Tried it anyway, it added an asterisk with the command, and still booted as before, and still without persistence. The again installed Firefox and settings, despite saving session and booting last session again, were gone with the new boot again.

Edit: Updated the opening post with meanwhile results too.
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So my best bet is probably looking into virtualization from windows again.
Not really. WSL failed for me to install a graphical interface for the Ubuntu. Deleted again. Hyper-V also doesn't boot some distros. And the VirtualBox installer required me to install Visual Studio C++ 2019, doing so still asked for it again.

So I tried a 3th installation method for EasyOS, equal to the copy/paste and manually edit limine.cfg file, but on the partitions of an existing file system. For which I tried the non-booting RoboLinux partition.

It worked again. Also session and installed Firefox saved after the third boot again. I hope this time it last longer. :)

in a live session of mageia 8, i had to install the efibootmgr package to be able to run the command. i found it in the Software Management program (listed as RPMdrake* in the "Welcome to Magiea" program's "Install software" tab). there was a button on the left of that screen that said "Packages with a GUI". i had to change that to All. then the search was able to find the package.
I took a look through the EasyApps and the 4 other package Managers (PKGget, SFSget, Appi and Flapi) but couldn't find efibootgr. Does anybody knows how to install efibootmgr in EasyOS?

believe you should also be able to delete the entries with efibootmgr. if they are just files left in the efi system partition, i think you should be able to delete those manually.
I took a look in the boot files of Windows and Robolinux partition. Even files of Limine I found, though because it never recognized the EasyOs from which it started, I actually never executed it?

But how would I know which boot files of so many are leftover and able to simply delete. I could go by the last saved date. However, can't that be added also by a later distro install, but the original file actual essential to booting already before?

And finally, just as there is a limine.cfg on the boot partition (copied and edited to the right GUID and partition name) directing to the vmlinuz file of EasyOs in the ext4 partition. Couldn't I add also such an entry to the limine.cfg, directing to the vmzlinz in the RoboLinux/and EasyOs partition? So I could boot RoboLinux from the same menu as EasyOS?

Limine Bootloader itself from within installed EasyOS still only recognized the entries in Sda1/Windows: Efi Grub, Efi Grub mageia and windows 10 (actually its windows 11).
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But how would I know which boot files of so many are leftover and able to simply delete. I could go by the last saved date. However, can't that be added also by a later distro install, but the original file actual essential to booting already before?
to address your second question, i believe (though i have never looked at the code for) each new installation would try to install the bootloader from scratch and not attempt to rely on anything already in the efi system partition.

as to the first part, i don't tend to try and get rid of them unless i am running out of space. the windows installs i have seen lately come with a 100 MB esp so space might become an issue. this is some output i use to check space in the windows vm i have that also has q4os installed:
lsblk -f
├─sda1 vfat   FAT32       84B6-B087   46.5M    52%       /boot/efi
sudo du -hd2 /boot/efi/ | sort -hr
[sudo] password for win10: 
50M     /boot/efi/EFI
50M     /boot/efi/
26M     /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft
21M     /boot/efi/EFI/Debian11
2.3M    /boot/efi/EFI/debian
1.6M    /boot/efi/EFI/Boot
df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        96M   50M   47M  52% /boot/efi
in order to get those, the esp needs to be mounted. to me one of the more important to look at is that microsoft's files take up over a quarter of the space (26M). because both windows and q4os took up a good bit of space, the esp is already 52% used.

to figure out which files are most important, i look at the output from efibootmgr -v. these are some entries from my main system where i have mx linux 21 and linux mint 21.1 (labeled as ubuntu) installed:
efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0017
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0017,0018...
Boot0016  MX21	HD(1,GPT,894ba3cb-9e55-4c26-9619-2db2e06f8e6a,0x800,0xfa000)/File(\EFI\MX21\grubx64.efi)
Boot0017* mx	HD(1,GPT,894ba3cb-9e55-4c26-9619-2db2e06f8e6a,0x800,0xfa000)/File(\EFI\mx\grubx64.efi)
Boot0018* ubuntu	HD(1,GPT,894ba3cb-9e55-4c26-9619-2db2e06f8e6a,0x800,0xfa000)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)
those last two entries are active (have a * after the #). if i want to keep them, i would avoid removing any files installed on the same date as them. the last part of those entries would correspond to the files /boot/efi/EFI/mx/grubx64.efi and /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi. linux mint (and possibly some other distros) also installs some files in /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT. i check the dates of all of those files with

sudo ls -lR /boot/efi/

i included entry 0016 to show that at least the mx installer (which is admittedly different from a lot of the others) didn't reuse the same directory or file.
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I took a look through the EasyApps and the 4 other package Managers (PKGget, SFSget, Appi and Flapi) but couldn't find efibootgr. Does anybody knows how to install efibootmgr in EasyOS?
i'm far from a regular easyos user, but thought it sounded interesting after following your posts. after the first boot and initial setup, i was able to run efiboomgr. the output was "EFI variables are not supported on this system" which is the response i have seen when booted in legacy or mbr mode. i rebooted to check my uefi or bios settings and the system is set up to only boot in uefi mode so it looks like easyos' implementation of efibootmgr may be different than some other distros.

the above does seem to indicate that efibootmgr is at least installed. when i opened PKGet and searched for "efi" (without the quotes), it does show efibootmgr-17-r3 is already installed.
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each new installation would try to install the bootloader from scratch and not attempt to rely on anything already in the efi system partition.

as to the first part, i don't tend to try and get rid of them unless i am running out of space.
Interestingly, in EasyOs 'lsblk -f' doesn't mentions it detailed.


But I guess with 59% in use on sda1 I still have some time to weed it out..

it does show efibootmgr-17-r3 is already installed.
Asked on Easyos Puppy forum, if there is a way to make efibootmgr variables work.
Interestingly, in EasyOs 'lsblk -f' doesn't mentions it detailed.
to get the details of how much space each one was using, i ran

sudo du -hd2 /boot/efi/ | sort -hr

that was on mx as a regular user. if your easyos is running as root with a # prompt in sakura, you shouldn't need sudo.

thank you for the info about mounting the esp first. that didn't work for me, but i'm glad it did for you.

i know there have been a lot of other things going on, but since your post originally mentioned virtualizing winOS i thought i would mention that i saw AQEMU GUI for QEMU listed in the menu under Utility. it wasn't pre-installed so if i click on it, the next window offers to do so.

i have never used it. when i first became interested in using kvm/qemu for virtual machines, i started using virt-manager which seemed easier. this is the package description for aqemu from mx linux:
graphical interface used to manage QEMU and KVM virtual machines. It has a user-friendly interface and allows one to set up the majority of QEMU and KVM options.
this is the package description for aqemu from mx linux:
I almost get there with Aqemu, as a first trial, trying to virtualize lxle under easyOS. However, despite reading the wiki, I keep getting errors directing it to the lxle ISO:


What I have to do differently?
the New Image File Name looks like one you are typing in or can change. with virt-manager, i always end mine with .qcow2 like the format.
Thanks. How to invoke virt-manager? search IN the Pkg manager finds for example libvirt-8.10.0-r3 not installed. Changing the filename extension to .qcow in Aquemu gave a similiar error.
you're welcome. sorry to hear changing the filename extension didn't work. usually virt-manager is its own package, but works with libvirt and others. the last time i booted easyos, i didn't see it listed in the package mangers either unfortunately.
I almost get there with Aqemu, as a first trial, trying to virtualize lxle under easyOS. However, despite reading the wiki, I keep getting errors directing it to the lxle ISO:

View attachment 16654

What I have to do differently?
i think i at least have it running well enough to boot the iso for testing. i didn't really take notes, so hopefully the following will help at least a bit.

in the screen you were in in the image you posted, i had to add a CD-ROM under Add Devices. if i double-click it to look at Properties then click on Advanced, i have a check mark in front of File. that's where i navigated to and chose the iso image. i then put a check in front of Media and set that to CD-ROM.

i think i still got some errors like yours after that so i double-clicked the HDA entry to look at its properties. i believe the check mark was already in front of File and that listed the .img file. i think i then put one in front of Interface and chose IDE. i also have a check mark in front of Media and have Disk chosen.

i still get an error when booting, but the live system does run.
i had to add a CD-ROM under Add Devices. if i double-click it to look at Properties then click on Advanced, i have a check mark in front of File. that's where i navigated to and chose the iso image. i then put a check in front of Media and set that to CD-ROM.
That far I was able to follow well, clicking on 'start' on the main left panel with lxle gives now the error 'no boot device found' only.

i think i then put one in front of Interface and chose IDE. i also have a check mark in front of Media and have Disk chosen.
Here you changed back from first setting to 'CD-ROM' to 'Disk'? Interface in my case was greyed out without check, and already set on 'IDE'.

Now I do get those error messages on start, and it doesn't start up:


From within the dialog it wasn't possible to change the file-extension from .iso to qcow2. So I changed the file extension at the file itself, and added it anew under media, with all your prescribed additional steps. Still the Error #1 shows, and the VM doesn't start.
i didn't think to mention yesterday that my trials with aqemu were on linux mint. i don't believe that should make a difference, but just wanted to let you know in case it does.
now the error 'no boot device found' only.
for boot device in the VM tab i have it set to Boot: CD-ROM near the top in the second column:

in the Media tab i have two devices. the first is the CD-ROM that points to the iso image and the second is HDA that points to the disk image:

the smudge or erased part is just my username. i get a similar error to your first one, but the vm still runs. my second error is different.

Here you changed back from first setting to 'CD-ROM' to 'Disk'? Interface in my case was greyed out without check, and already set on 'IDE'.
i'll add shots of the properties for the CD-ROM and HDA. this is after double-clicking on CD-ROM then clicking the Advanced button:

these are the Advanced settings for HDA:

From within the dialog it wasn't possible to change the file-extension from .iso to qcow2. So I changed the file extension at the file itself, and added it anew under media
hopefully you will be able to see it in the images, but i was incorrect about needing to change any file extension. the .iso stays as is as does the .img file.

the result is:
i don't believe that should make a difference, but just wanted to let you know in case it does.
Well, maybe because I'm so new to this, it does.

Your CD advanced setting shows clearly the Ubuntu ISO file, which can be downloaded, and as such is located in your Download folder. For my trial its LXLE-Focal-Release.iso in a different folder.

Your HDA shows a ISO naming other than I've seen from ISO downloads. Additionally it appears to me in a hidden .aqemu folder. Seaching for it finds no such ISO. Does it has to be created first, and how?

And here might be a diffence to LinuxMint: In EasyOS there isn't a folder with username under /home.
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are you still getting the same errors as before?
Your CD advanced setting shows clearly the Ubuntu ISO file, which can be downloaded, and as such is located in your Download folder. For my trial its LXLE-Focal-Release.iso in a different folder.
i was able to get the same setup working with the LXLE-Focal.iso that was also in my Downloads folder after posting the previous images. i posted the images for ubuntu because i already had it on my system so i could try it and respond more quickly.

i would think it would be ok if the iso file were in a different folder, but am not sure since i haven't used aqemu vey much.
Your HDA shows a ISO naming other than I've seen from ISO downloads. Additionally it appears to me in a hidden .aqemu folder. Seaching for it finds no such ISO. Does it has to created first, and how?
the file named in HDA (ubuntu20.04.4_HDA.img) is the virtual hard drive where the os would be installed if i got that far. the .img file as well as the hidden .aqemu folder were both created when i created the first vm.
And here might be a diffence to mind: In EasyOS the filesystem is different, there isn't a folder with username under /home.
that may well be a part of the issue. given the below, i'm not sure where to suggest looking for an .aqemu folder if that is part of what you are trying to find.

Run as root
This is controversial, however, it is just a different philosophy. The human-user runs as administrator (root), apps may optionally run as a non-root user or in containers as "crippled root". The practical outcome is that you never have to type "sudo" or "su" to run anything, nor get hung up with file permissions.
Easy runs each non-root app as its own user. For example, by default Firefox runs as user 'firefox', and SeaMonkey as user 'seamonkey'. Installed AppImages and Flatpaks also default to run as their own user.
It is easy to do the same for any app, that is, run it as its own user, isolated from other users.
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