OK so a quick check shows me it's an M2 SSD
first, it' is a Linux compatible drive [used by Lenovo ]
There are 2 different M2 slots M2B and M2M and 3 different pin configurations for SSD's M2B, M2M, and M2BM
Yours is an MB,[hybrid to fit either B or M slots] it is the slowest of the options [only PCIe2], it is easy to put this card in the wrong way around,
so check carefully.
Check to see if the system [windows or Linux] can see it listed in the drivers, if not try checking the PCIe settings in the BIOS,
if it can be see by the machine and is enabled, then my only suggestion at this stage is to wipe it completely by re-formatting to EX-Fats, to remove any hidden partitions, and try again