Solved forum mails seems to be delivered with a delay

Solved issue
It also got the Google setting turned off in Brave !!....that can only be a good thing.

It also got the Google setting turned off in Brave !!....that can only be a good thing.
Do you mean this setting "Use Google services for push messaging"?
So have you figured out what the problem was now that you have email notifications working again?
I have email ntifications working properly, now.

I should not have had the "enable push notifications" enabled....and I should not have had the google setting enabled either

Until recently...maybe 2 weeks or so ago......the settings I had in place worked beautifully....I received emails and 1 notification for everything.
Then....everything you know. Emails stopped coming through.

For me, I started getting double notifications as well.

So problem solved.

Thanks Maarten.
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