LMDE 6 vs Debian - what are the differences?

Sorry for being so ignorant with all of this. I'm Really Happy that for the fist time ever I have a working Linux OS instead of Windows which I have loathed for over a decade and I'm like a kid in a candy store with this. :) My Better Half was teasing me this morning that it has been awhile since I looked this happy.

Sounds like you caught the bug.... only cure is
relax ,sit back, kick off shoes, grab a beer, and enjoy the ride.
My first two text reference materials arrived in today's mail, looking forward to reading thru them.
Linux (Quick Study Computer) Pamphlet – March 29, 2000
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1572224483
Linux for Absolute Beginners: An Introduction to the Linux Operating System, Including Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming Paperback – June 21, 2021 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8524534439
From the online articles it seems that C++ and Python are two popular programming languages with Linux, so I think my next book purchases will be something on those subjects. If you were going to build your own media file management application, which programming language would you use?
This page may be helpful to you as you learn also.
Thank You, Will Do! I am able to cut and paste into folders having to open the video files in VLC Player for the duration info, but at least I can get things into time based folders and sort duplicates out that way now. :)
Can KDE Plasma be run or booted from usb to where I can play with it to see if it would be a good fit?
Or is it possible to have 2 different distros and select between them at bootup? https://kde.org/plasma-desktop/
With KDE being Canonical, Kubuntu/Ubuntu I can see where that might lead to conflicts later if Debian breaks away from them. Fortunately, my tower has 2 hard drives, so potentially I could have LMDE6 on my 8tb and KDE Plasma on my 4tb and play with it that way. I will have to read how to choose between the two at startup. It would be awesome if it were possible to have different linux distributions to choose from depending on what I'm working on at the time. I can see each distro working well with different aspects like that. https://kde.org/distributions/
Can KDE Plasma be run or booted from usb to where I can play with it to see if it would be a good fit?


My advice, if you want to distro hop. Create a Ventoy drive and just put all the linux ISO's you'd like to try onto the ventoy drive. When you boot into the ventoy drive you'll get the option to choose whichever distro you'd like to run.

My advice, if you want to distro hop. Create a Ventoy drive and just put all the linux ISO's you'd like to try onto the ventoy drive. When you boot into the ventoy drive you'll get the option to choose whichever distro you'd like to run.
Awesome, Thank You, I'll give that a try. Very Much Appreciated! It looks like there is even an app for that if I wanted to try it on my smartphone. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mixapplications.ventoy_app&hl=en_US&pli=1
it has been awhile since I looked this happy.

It's a great thing to engage the mind and approach new things hitherto unexperienced.
I'm like a kid in a candy store with this. :) My Better Half was teasing me this morning that it has been awhile since I looked this happy.

My wife was the same way when I got into Linux. It can be frustrating at times but it's worth it man. I had to learn everything I know through self driven research and study (I knew nothing of computers) and it was a crazy journey.

It's funny how even still today I get giggity about it sometimes too. A lot of it for me is that in 6th grade I told my teacher that it was stupid to have me taking keyboarding classes because I was never going to own my own computer 0_o... stupid kid lol. It gets funnier the more I think about it and realize how nearly every aspect of my life revolves around technology xP.
it was stupid to have me taking keyboarding classes because I was never going to own my own computer

I spent an unusually long time in academia...

Amusingly, I've only failed two classes.

I failed typing - which was at least done on electric typewriters. I failed keyboarding, which was taught on a computer.

Today, I easily type 90+ WPM.

What I did was use IRC as my education. I learned the backspace key and refused to look at the keyboard otherwise. So, slowly but surely I learned to type. Oh, my fingers are on the wrong keys. I sort of linger over the top-left and mid-left instead of the home row. Also, I only use one finger on the space bar.

But, these days I type like a demon.
I am a fan of the scientific method, it saves my sanity in so many ways. I ran this experiment, not sure why but the only distro that has been successful for me has proven to be LMDE 6. So at least for now, I guess I should be content with what works and enjoy that I can view media files on VLC and sort the images in dolphin and browse with Chromium and Firefox. 4 hours spent trying to get the other to work between my desktop and even trying my windows 11 laptop unsuccessfully. What is the definition of insanity, trying the same thing multiple times and expecting a different result. :) My better half is asking me to watch The Boys so after 27 years (Nov. 1997) I guess I should be respectful and be in my beloved's company. See You All Later. Pleasant Dreams!
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.... only cure is

Who wants a cure?

I have an injection of Linux just about every day.

@onguys I run between 80- 90 Linux distros on my Dell, chances are I have what has failed for you in my stable, or else have used it, so sing out, if you ever want to try again.

As you have installed Mint to the desktop, if/when you want to try installing to the laptop, you can use the Mint USB writer [already installed in your apps] to write the bootable ISO . to a pen-drive
As you have installed Mint to the desktop, if/when you want to try installing to the laptop, you can use the Mint USB writer [already installed in your apps] to write the bootable ISO . to a pen-drive
Awesome, Thank You!
Who wants a cure?

I have an injection of Linux just about every day.

@onguys I run between 80- 90 Linux distros on my Dell, chances are I have what has failed for you in my stable, or else have used it, so sing out, if you ever want to try again.

Thank You, Will Do Later. I have annoyed my better half by ignoring them for 4 hours when a new season of their favorite tv programs started that night. I called myself multi-tasking, but if I'm honest I only got the highlights of House of the Dragon, The Boys, and I'm drawing a blank entirely on what the third thing even was. So I guess if I want to be a better husband I should pay a bit more attention than I did last night. :)
have you tried drag and drop to the desktop then on to wherever you want them or direct to another folder
Dolphin allows a split view, which I use whenever I use sftp with my phone, and this allows copying or moving between two places. This allows a drag and drop approach without using an intermediate location like the desktop.


Matthew Campbell
Can KDE Plasma be run or booted from usb to where I can play with it to see if it would be a good fit?
Or is it possible to have 2 different distros and select between them at bootup? https://kde.org/plasma-desktop/
With KDE being Canonical, Kubuntu/Ubuntu I can see where that might lead to conflicts later if Debian breaks away from them. Fortunately, my tower has 2 hard drives, so potentially I could have LMDE6 on my 8tb and KDE Plasma on my 4tb and play with it that way. I will have to read how to choose between the two at startup. It would be awesome if it were possible to have different linux distributions to choose from depending on what I'm working on at the time. I can see each distro working well with different aspects like that. https://kde.org/distributions/
Linux can boot from and run on a flash drive, and I use this for system maintenance from time to time, but a flash drive can be really really slow. Tails, a type of Linux, can only run from a flash drive. I would suggest trying some kind of virtual machine software so you can try out different Linux distributions. I'm using the free version of VMplayer right now. (VMware Workstation Player 17.5.0) This way you can run from a directory without having to reboot your main system or repartition your hard drive. I use ssh to transfer files between that and the host system.


Matthew Campbell

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