Mint Hardware


Active Member
Jun 24, 2023
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Hi all. Is there any software we can use on Mint that reports back on hardware, ssd etc etc. Many thanks.


You will find it in the Software manager

Or it is also available online, Here

It is well known and reliable

It can come in very handy to keep a list (long) of the available commands
My pleasure !
I prefer the online download for this one
in terminal, mine looks like this below:


Note that it is only up to 33% there....currenty up to 70%....will let you knwo the outcome shortly
Once that has reached 100% and then finishes....
type in or copy and paste :

inxi -Fxxxrz

Note the position of the dash between inxi and the capital F....there is a space before the dash

I am fairly certain the sudo su is only required when installing inxi

In normal circumstances, just sudo is sufficient.

So, open Terminal...type in inxi & hit enter.....then type in your command (eg: inxi -Fxxxrz) ....hit enter again and voila !

There are lists of commands for inxi all over the 'net

Again...leave a space between inxi :eek: and the rest of the command
Just a heads up - inxi ships installed by default on Mint.

@noelw - you should be able to just open Terminal (Ctrl-Alt-t) and type in and press enter

inxi -Fxz

for starters, if you want more details, just add an x or three

If however, you are looking for software that examines your hardware and drives, there are other commands we can tell you about.


Inxi on Linux Mint has some problems.....see error below
Clem and his team of merry men have some cleaning up to do ! sure is
Open your update manager (Click on the shield button at the bottom right of your screen) > Edit > "Software source" > Maintenance > "Put foreign packages to a lower version" > Select the library that is causing the problem and see if that fixes it
It should not be a foreign package, though. According to the package list for Virginia, it is there


Brian, may I ask what's your output from

apt policy inxi

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