New to Linux - Need Guidance

G'day Olds, looks like I may have just missed you. Happy New Year :)

Congrats on the Win 7 reinstall. Do you have Linux Mint 19.1still on the separate hard drive, or is that yet to come?

If not, then a question on Win 7 audio is probably out of our realm, technically. If however, you have Mint, or install it, and the problem is duplicated there, then it can be our baby.

On Win 7, I found, before I ditched the (Win)Dozer in 2014, that this Forum was very good.

Their people were kind and helpful, and I just checked and they are still going strong.

You can start a new Thread on any Linux audio problems here - - and title it something like Linux Mint 19.1 Audio Card Not working.

PAUSE - getting up to speed as you have just Posted :D

Listened to the recording - the distorted voice is actually an echo of your voice, by the sounds of it. Or rather, maybe it is repeating what you have said.

Sorry I can't help further.

Keep us posted


Ok, maybe I should look to Linux to see if I can replicate the problem. I have Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon, latest version. I just don't have it installed yet. It would seem that I would need to have this installed, and use something like Wine to install the voice programs i need, not to mention getting the audio program going. I can go that route, but I will need help to do it. If the problem occurs then, maybe we can figure it out. BTW, thanks for the link to the seven forums. I'll check it out.
Hi! Since you chose Mint maybe consider registering in their forum so you can post whatever issues you may encounter and/or clarify any doubts you may have regarding your Linux OS. Also, I'd recommend rufus to write the Mint .iso into the USB stick.
Ok, how do I get to the settings where I can test the mic in Linux Mint, and what do I need to do when I get in there? I tried to work with it awhile ago, but I can't find out how to test the mic. I found something in a search about Alsa, but I don't think I have that.
Also, I'd recommend rufus to write the Mint .iso into the USB stick.

G'day @Tolkem and welcome to :)

@olds442 already has a stick burned with LM 19.1 on it, but thanks for the suggestion. :D



I found something in a search about Alsa, but I don't think I have that.

You do.

Boot from your stick, do not choose the install option, stick with where you are on the Desktop.

Go to Menu bottom left corner, start to type in (without the quotes) "synaptic", this will show you Synaptic Package Manager, which you will make friends with over time.

Launch Synaptic, and in the (magnifying glass) part that says Search type in and enter alsa. Alsa is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. It and PulseAudio are the two leaders in this area.

Results will be shown, if you scroll down through them, the entries that have the little square blocked in colour are what will be installed. There will be a number of them.

Likewise, a search of pulseaudio will generate similar. So check those two out.

I am by no means an audio expert, so hopefully someone else will pick up the ball and run with it, with you, on what checks to make.

Cheers for now

Thanks for the help! I'll give that a try this evening. I'm going to talk to one of our computer techs at work about this issue. Hopefully they can point me in the right direction. I'll keep you posted.
I had a conversation with our tech, and let him listen to the audio, without the voice. He said it sounds like a bus issue, on the board. I don't know if these are tied into the same circuit or not, but I think I am going to try to switch slots, if I can get the card to seat. Worth a shot.
G'day @Tolkem and welcome to :)

@olds442 already has a stick burned with LM 19.1 on it, but thanks for the suggestion. :D

Oh, I see. :) Since he said in a previous post that it wasn't installed yet I thought he hadn't written it in the USB. Thanks for the welcoming. Arch user here with awesome-wm and xfce altogether.
I went in to look for Alsa on Linux Mint, and found the entries. They look like they are already installed, however. If they are, how do I get to these applications to use them?
Is there a gui or command in Mint to open up Alsa? As I said, I can see the entries listed as installed, but I don't know how to run them.
Are you looking for something like this ?

Is there a gui or command in Mint to open up Alsa? As I said, I can see the entries listed as installed, but I don't know how to run them.

From the command line
$ alsamixer
I think mint should have the volume control on the panel/taskbar, isn't it? If not, try writing in the terminal
$ pavucontrol
and/or open the menu and type it in the search bar to see if it shows up.

Hope this helps! :)
Go to on it....then 'software manager' (type it in or click on the icon)......type in alsa

The result will be what you see can install it.....if it works...good !....if it doesnt uninstall it from the same software manager page that you installed it on.

In software manager, type in 'pavu' .....


One of these may help ??

In Terminal....type in alsamixer ??
Ok, I have been through the various commands, and I am not getting the results you show. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Here is a screenshot.


As you can see, my screens don't look like yours. I did try the terminal, but didn't have much better luck. I would like to know how to get the microphone to work so I can do some testing.
What am I doing wrong?


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gnome alsa mixer is already installed on your pc.

Click on 'Launch'.....up beside the Remove button
I did hit launch, and this is what I got. Could it be because I am still running off of the USB drive, and not on a hard drive? I'll try again tomorrow.
Yes, the three (3) windows with greyed out headers are the outcome of that.

Running alsamixer from Terminal leads to something like this, for me


The F1 and F2 keys do not work for me, as they are pre-mapped by my manufacturer to other functions.


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