One of the penalties for using a dark theme.


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Jul 23, 2020
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I use a dark theme everywhere.

I'm also partially colorblind. I have problems with parts of the spectrum - I'm not completely colorblind.

About 5 minutes ago, I reached out and tried to wipe this off the screen. As in, I physically reached out and scrapped at my monitor after it didn't come off with a quick wipe.


Yes, yes you may laugh at my expense.

I use the dark theme on :)
I use a browser extension that makes everything dark, though for some sites I use their dark theme (if they have them). I also use Stylus to have a dark theme at some other sites.
I can't get into the dark theme.
I keep my monitors turned down low.

I also have a pair of computer glasses from an eye doctor which the state dept paid for which actually help with reducing eye fatigue.
I'm in front of a computer monitor 8 hours 10 hours a day when working.
I refuse to use an OS unless it has a dark theme. It wasn't until I figured out how to make LXQt completely dark-themed that I made the switch. Even turned down low, the screen scalds my eyeballs.

I tend to do much of my computing in my study and it's usually pretty dark with the curtains closed.
I've always got curtains open or lights on if I'm on the computer and if I don't I either use the night time feature of some distros or just lower the brightness.

I'm hard on monitors and before LED back light displays I'd burn out the florescent back light display tubes in a couple of years.

I don't think the florescent back light display tubes were actually bad I think I just wore out the control buttons adjusting them all of the time.
I don't think I've adjusted any monitor settings since the days of CRT when I'd manually degauss them now and again. I don't even know what each of the buttons do on the monitors in front of me as I've never had any reason to go through their menus.

As an aside: I don't actually bother with very fancy monitors, or very large monitors. The three right here are all just 23" monitors with one of them set to portrait mode.

My understanding is that ye olde CRT monitors were actually better for some things. Being partially colorblind means I'd have absolutely no idea. By the way, being partially colorblind led to a rather interesting period of my life. For the longest time, I had no idea that I was. It wasn't until after many silly arguments that I finally went and got tested. It's just certain parts of the spectrum that I can't see - like many orange colors look red to me and when you move to the other side of them they look yellow to me.

Anyhow, I use a dark theme everywhere that I can. When something doesn't work and shows up as bright white, it feels like it scalds my eyeballs.
I'm using dual HP 1907 LCD monitors and I have the brightness and contrast levels adjusted at mid range so as not to be to bright at night time with light off or on.

I have a lot of good old LCD monitors that people were getting rid of when they replaced them with their high priced big HD monitors so I won't have to buy any monitors for awhile.

People just keep me in all sorts of computers and monitors and hardware I like it.
People just keep me in all sorts of computers and monitors and hardware I like it.

That's pretty much what I do. By that, I mean the opposite. I replace my hardware fairly regularly and gift the gently used hardware to a good home. I'll keep my hard drives, putting the new ones into the old ones, for a couple of iterations.

Eventually I'll destroy the drives that I kept data on. That's generally fun. I've got a ton of land and I'm really remote. My favorite way to destroy my drives is with a firearm. I suspect you'd enjoy that. Many folks do.
I refuse to use an OS unless it has a dark theme. It wasn't until I figured out how to make LXQt completely dark-themed that I made the switch. Even turned down low, the screen scalds my eyeballs.

I tend to do much of my computing in my study and it's usually pretty dark with the curtains closed.

All of my Linux boxes (4) are dark theme's all the way and I don't miss those blinding headaches.

Dark Reader just works!
Eventually I'll destroy the drives that I kept data on. That's generally fun. I've got a ton of land and I'm really remote. My favorite way to destroy my drives is with a firearm. I suspect you'd enjoy that. Many folks do.
OH yeah we grew up around firearms and did lots of shooting so yeah we enjoy when we get a chance.

I just use hard drives until they crap out and no worries I back anything important up right then when I'm done with it.
My nearest neighbors are about a half-mile away on one side and like 7 miles on the other.
Dark Reader just works!

There's one called Dark Theme Everywhere that also does a decent job. I currently have both installed as I use multiple browsers for different things.
Just like f33dm3bits I too use the dark theme of the forum. I'm also using an extension named Dark Reader for pages that don't have dark themes implemented yet. Altough, in some very rare cases, I combine the page's dark theme with the effect of Dark Reader. Such a page is the desktop version of Twitter. The original Twitter dark theme ain't dark enough for my taste, so I enable also Dark Reader and that makes Twitter look better.

This is what my Twitter looks like with both dark themes combined (its original dark theme + the dark effect of Dark Reader):


KGIII, if you don't mind my asking, what is "colorblind"?
@KGIII, if you don't mind my asking, what is "colorblind"?

I don't see all the same colors that you see. I'm not completely colorblind, I just have problems with part of the spectrum.

What you see as orange, I see as red or yellow (depending on where it is in the spectrum). If it's very narrowly in the orange spectrum, then I will see orange. But, if it's to either side, I will see it as a red or a yellow.

I also have issues with blues. They look black to me, unless they're fairly light blues.
I don't see all the same colors that you see. I'm not completely colorblind, I just have problems with part of the spectrum.

What you see as orange, I see as red or yellow (depending on where it is in the spectrum). If it's very narrowly in the orange spectrum, then I will see orange. But, if it's to either side, I will see it as a red or a yellow.

I also have issues with blues. They look black to me, unless they're fairly light blues.
I don't mean to belittle your color problem but to me it sounds better than my problem. My eyes literally hurt of white colors (especially when illuminated by direct sun light, such as white vehicles). When a white vehicle is anywhere in my 180 degrees view range, I feel like I'm walking into the emptiness of space, not being able to see where I'm going. That's why I don't leave my home without my sunglasses and that's why my entire desktop is black (except for its background image). I just can get enough of the mesmerizing eyes of Melissa Benoist, that's why she's on the desktop. But everything else - desktop theme, file manager, even the browser is pitch black.
I don't mean to belittle your color problem but to me it sounds better than my problem.

Oh, it's not a major problem. It was a bit of a problem before I knew. I had so many pointless arguments about the color of different things. It wasn't until enough of those arguments happened that I finally went and got tested. I've since learned to not argue about colors!
Love the dark theme in Peppermint and MX. The only arguments I have with myself about color is.... is that darker Rye better than that medium color one? And my coffee should be unseethruable. ;)
I'm also using an extension named Dark Reader for pages that don't have dark themes implemented yet.
I also use that one for some web pages. Seems to work fairly well but I have found some sites, depending on the color scheme, look a little 'weird'. Fortunately it is easy to turn 'Dark Reader' on or off.

My eyes literally hurt of white colors (especially when illuminated by direct sun light, such as white vehicles).
That is similar to my complaint during the winter when we have a 'sun-shiny' day after a fresh snowfall. It really hurts my eyes. That's why I like cloudy, overcast days much better! :cool:
That is similar to my complaint during the winter when we have a 'sun-shiny' day after a fresh snowfall.

Sunglasses help!

Also, it hit the upper 60s up here on the mountain. That's insane!
