Password Manager


Active Member
Apr 24, 2024
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Looking recommendations for a password manager, hopefully one that will cover four or five phone/ computers.
Is it possible if you change the password on one device it will change the rest of them?
At one stage I thought about Lastpass but I see that they have been breached a number of times.


Available in the Software Manager

Yes it has sync
For PC only I'm using Password Safe for long time, it's one of the oldest and most popular pwd manager.
It doesn't have password sync but that's security feature, not lack of it.

Other features among many that are important is autotype, screenshot protection and virtual keyboard support.

I just keep all my passwords, along with associated site and ID data, in an encrypted text file which is backed up both locally and remotely.
I use KeepassXC and sync it with my seafile, but every other cloudprovider should do it, too. Cloudproviders have a filehistory and versions, so if you accidential delete a password, you still can recover it. The Keepass is encrypted, so no worries. It's not everybodys thing, but I also use the Browser Extention to auto fill in my passwords. Also KeepassXC and Seafile are both available on Linux and Android
recommendations for a password manager,
All I've ever needed.
Never failed to work.

I see that they have been breached a number of times.
Never been breached.
Never will be breached.
All I've ever needed.
Never failed to work.

Never been breached.
Never will be breached.

I do exactly the same with one of those old fashion things called a pen.
I had a notebook that I kept all my passwords, but some useless black mongrel decided to be a paper shredder. :mad:
I keep mine in a desk drawer an don't have that problem. ;)
I have used both KeypassXC and Proton Pass. Your keypass database can be synced with syncthing or something similar. Proton pass works out of the box and they have apps for most devices.

I had a notebook that I kept all my passwords, but some useless black mongrel decided to be a paper shredder.
You just love that dog !!

Got a pic?
You just love that dog !!

Got a pic?

This is my shredder sometimes called Ginny among other things.

About six months old now, a rescued camp dog, slowly getting out out her habit of stealing food, trying to humbug for something to eat.
Likes waking me up at 3 am to go outside for a piddle, she could wait till 4 am when I get up.:(
Go out side to put my boots on, no boots find them on the lawn with the laces chewed off ha to get some wire to keep them on. If the toilet door is left open shredded toilet paper every where. I wont mention very thing that disappears from my shed.
But she is a real cutie.
I love the look on her face. Intelligent with a capital I

Methinks I see some kelpie in there.....she will be utterly faithful and loyal.
I don't know, bro... she looks like a born password shredder. Maybe try a little habanero sauce on the edges of the new password notebook. Probably not a good solution for the TP though.
I love the look on her face. Intelligent with a capital I

Methinks I see some kelpie in there.....she will be utterly faithful and loyal.
That is what I thought when I first saw her.

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