Pulse/PulseEffects tutorial


New Member
Mar 15, 2021
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I've looked through this forum but haven't seen a solution to what I need.

I'm looking for a link to a good tutorial for absolute beginners on Pulse in general, and PulseEffects in particular.

I've been using Linux in some form for over 20 years now (currently Linux Mint 20) and while I can select between my computer speakers and my bluetooth earbuds, that's the limit of my AV linux knowledge!

To be more specific, I'm wanting to take received audio from an amateur radio transceiver and run it through PulseEffects to remove as much noise as possible (I'm trying to do with software what this device does with hardware - https://tinyurl.com/78fejb7k).

Most of the tutorials I've come across assume basic audio processing knowledge and I have none. If I open PulseEffects, I can find where I can select different devices for mic and audio, but the device names make little sense, and no matter which device I select for mic input, I can't get anything to show as processable (for example, I *think* this is my bluetooth mic? "bluez_source.20_20_A1_00_EA_88.headset_head_unit").

I guess what I'm looking for is a tutorial that will take me by the hand and explain what each item in Pulse or PulseEffects is, how to use them, and why I would.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


I guess what I'm looking for is a tutorial that will take me by the hand and explain what each item in Pulse or PulseEffects is, how to use them, and why I would.
Check here https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/

As for PulseEffects, if I recall correctly, it ships with a tutorial you can access by clicking in help via the "hamburger" icon in the top-right corner of the main window, note that zenity or yad must be installed for it to work.


Also, in PE GitHub's page is this https://github.com/wwmm/pulseeffects#note-for-users-that-did-not-moved-from-pulseaudio-to-pipewire, and I quote:
From version 5.0.0 onward PulseEffects needs PipeWire. Pulseaudio users need to instal one of the 4.x releases or building a package directly from our legacy Pulseaudio branch https://github.com/wwmm/pulseeffects/tree/pulseaudio-legacy. Arch Linux users can also use the PKGBUILD on the same branch. This branch will receive updates for critical bugs as time goes by. So if PipeWire is not for you yet it is fine to use the legacy branch.
So you should check whether pipewire is installed and if it's not, install it.
You might want to read here too https://fedoramagazine.org/tune-up-your-sound-with-pulseeffects-speakers/
This might be useful as well https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Documentation

Hope this helps! :)

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