RANT: I'm so tired of these types of topics


Gold Member
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Dec 11, 2019
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I am so tired of how many topics we get that go something with a tone like this: "Help my system isn't working anymore( or crashed) or X isn't working. Please tell me what to do(or I need an answer), I need my problem solved quickly and now." These people just want an answer not putting any effort into their topics and not giving any information but just expecting an answer that will solve their issue. What do these people think, that we are fortune tellers that can give them an answer by scrying for an answer in our crystal balls.

@KGIII already created a topic asking for people for feedback about the article, I think we should be more demanding of people asking for help so that it would filter out the people who really want help and who are willing to put some effort into their topic. That way we don't have to first ask the basic questions before we can even get anywhere. I myself run into this and I know I'm not the only one getting frustrated and irritated by this and others I know as well. I'm not going to link any topics in here but I think we all know what type of topics I'm talking about and that's me not even getting started of people being too lazy to learn and try things out for themselves first, that was the end of my rant!
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I'm not going to link any topics in here but I think we all know what type of topics I'm talking about and that's me not even getting started of people being too lazy to learn and try things out for themselves first, that was the end of my rant!

Some folks are lazy and have no ambition to learn and lack the discipline to develop the drive to want to learn.

I researched the Linux how to from the git-go so I could properly create bootable media / properly install / update / setup my first Linux distro.

My first Linux experience was good because of learning the basic Linux how to prior to my Linux install.

Most users can't and don't even know how to properly maintain their Windows computers much less even want to learn how to.

On another forum a user needing help I ask for basic info about the type / brand / model of the computer all I got was it's a Windows 10 computer.

Some forums will not do any hand holding and when you post if not properly prepared than expect a hard answer.

I've always scanned the forums looking for solutions to the problems I've had or the problems I've created and usually find a solution posted.

Help on the topics you want to help on and leave the other topics alone is my philosophy.

Forums is forums and all forums have the same crapola.
Some forums are laid-back and relaxed and some forums are uptight and everyone acts like they're constipated with no relief.

I try to enjoy the forums I frequent and try and help where I can and if whoever doesn't want to follow advice that's fine.

All of my computers work.
There was that episode of The Simpsons where they visited a Family Therapist and they were all hooked up to each other so that if one said something that another did not like, they could zap the person with an electric shock.

Perhaps we could install some intrusive software (did I say that) on the user's PC and it would go like this:

You haven't given us the "type / brand / model of the computer"
Zaps the user.

You haven't told us the Linux Distro you are using, its version and desktop environment

Have you Googled the exact error you have received?

What have you found on the problem at the Distro-specific Forums so far?
Haven't been there.

Friday here in Oz, so all of you stay safe, enjoy your Linux and


BTW paraphrasing Nelson - vote with your feet if you don't want to help in a Thread... some other mug amongst us will come along and help the silly bugger.
I've often said that the Internet should come with a 'slap button.'

Whenever you encounter someone that's not behaving well, you press the button and their computer slaps them on your behalf. If enough people slap you, you get disconnected from the 'net - and slapped a lot.

Sadly, I know how poorly that'd actually turn out in the real world. But, in a more ideal world, it'd be just great. (In an ideal world, we wouldn't need such a button.)
There should be a window that 'pops-up' as soon as people get to this or any other forum which reads: "what we expect from you before posting" explaining how to post and users must read the whole thing cause at the end they have to click on "Accept" before going any further. If they don't, they can't post.
.....and if they do post and there is a scarcity of info, the post gets deleted.....or at the very least they cop a ‘note’ from the Mod of the day telling them to rearrange their post to at least TRY to include pertinent info.
We also have realise that there are those who just don’t recognise the lingo we use, and will need a “ leg up”.....we don’t need to come across as hard headed morons who are suffering from constipation with no relief in sight.....(quote @Nelson Muntz )
or at the very least they cop a ‘note’ from the Mod of the day telling them to rearrange their post to at least TRY to include pertinent info.

That would be.....


Ya wanna give me even more work?

Sign up as a Mod.

All applications will be chuckled over considered seriously

We're not fussy - they made me a Mod, and I have 8 Mental Disorders.

I wonder how many people will think this thread is about them - and I wonder how many people for whom this thread applies to but won't think it's about them?

There are some questions I just ignore and some that I just won't put any real effort into.

Note my careful use of 'questions' as opposed to 'people'. I should be a fricken' politician.

Le vin est tres bon!
....and if they do post and there is a scarcity of info, the post gets deleted.....
Well, that's a bit extreme, I think. There's one more thing; this is an English only forum, meaning that posts have to be written in that language, and it is not every Linux user's native language - mine is Spanish. I sometimes have a hard time trying to make sense of what someone wrote, and I think it is mainly because that person doesn't know English and have to use something like google, which results might be inaccurate. Maybe a foreign/non-English sub-forum?
I wonder how many people will think this thread is about them - and I wonder how many people for whom this thread applies to but won't think it's about them?
I'm gonna ponder that.

Note my careful use of 'questions' as opposed to 'people'. I should be a fricken' politician.

Le vin est tres bon!
Not me man, Hell no I would never want to be a politician or any other public figure.
Hell no I would never want to be a politician or any other public figure.

I don't like anyone well enough to be a politician. I should be one, but I have no desire to be one. I once started a campaign for a state-level position, even reaching the point of employing a campaign manager. I sobered up a few months later and realized how bad an idea that was. It's a long story. (I was able to retire at a pretty early age. That's kinda where that story would begin.)

This is not the place for such stories. No, sir. No, it is not!
@KGIII ...we are in the off topic area.....
..we are in the off topic area.....

Yeah but one thing can lead to another, and before you know it we are talking politics, and that is verboten, even here.

Let's be politic and steer away from that.

I want some of that wine that David G is drinking.

Maybe a foreign/non-English sub-forum?

I understand where you are coming from, Hornet. :)

Hardly anyone would know that you, @f33dm3bits , and Rado84 were not native English speakers, if we were not made aware of it. A blessing for us Anglos.

But how would a Mod or Mods police such a subforum or subforums? Police is a poor choice of words - adjudicate, perhaps.

I speak Japanese, Chinese (Beijing dialect aka Mandarin), Indonesian, Malay and a smattering of French, but none of them well enough to be able to not have to spend a lot of time with Google Translate or similar.

Many nations have their own Linux Forums and Linux User Groups (LUGs). Maybe better for those people who cannot communicate in English to avail themselves of those facilities rather than for us to reinvent the wheel and try to be all things to all people.

In the case of LUGs, that includes your country.

I know for sure we all are going to keep doing are best to help anyone as best as we can because that's just the spirit of the community members here, I just needed to rant because some of those topics really annoy me.
Everybody needs a rant from time to time.

This is a tight-knit and supportive community, it was before COVID, it was before Brian and I arrived nearly 4 years ago, and it will continue to grow so, IMO.

I think all of us can rely on having a friendly ear to "listen to us" when we let off a little steam.


I want some of that wine that David G is drinking.

It was a delicious locally crafted blueberry wine - which is in itself another potentially long story. But no... No, this is definitely not the place for politics discussion. I quite like it that way.
Well I guess everybody has to start somewhere, we have all been there - new to Linux not knowing anything, but one thing that does my head in that I see on so many forums is the help my Linux is misbehaving what do I do... NO DETAILS OF THE MACHINE OR WHAT DISTRO THEY HAVE INSTALLED. Which can be as easy as the model name printed on the machine eg. Presario CQ61.

Lucky we have some pretty calm and patient people here.

To get answers is pretty hard going to say the least. You just about need to be a medium with a crystal ball.

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