Solved Select and copy ALL code generated in the terminal THE EASY WAY

Solved issue
I'm actually looking forward to getting past the basics, i.e. the apps. The apps are what make Linux easy if someone just wants a basic computer. If I weren't a curious person or want to figure how to do things, I would be fine with my distro as-is. Most people would be.

But I don't want to have to find and down an app every time I want to do something different only to find that the app doesn't do what I need or doesn't do all of what I want it to do. And keyboard short cuts are a lot faster than opening a drop down menu, selecting by clicking, select again, and again... Before I can do that though, I have to remember which menu I found the command in. If I can just open the terminal and type something in, the most I'll have to do is scan my notes for the one I need if I don't remember...

It's like learning AutoCad. If you use it much, learn the short cuts. They save an incredible amount of time. That's the way I see it anyway.

I said to you aeons ago.....that learning Linux is about....Navigation
What did you have to do to your cats to have them make all those great facial expressions? :)

First, it looks like you're not afraid of the command line - or, if you are, you're handling it well.

I want to add one more thing to this...

No, I'm not afraid of the command line. I used commands in the Win Power Shell, Command Window.

But... and that's a really BIG BUT!!.... I ONLY did things in the command window after thorough research AND if I found the exact same directions in more than one place. My biggest concern wasn't necessarily that something would go wrong. My concern was that System Restore is worthless, utterly useless. If I messed up something it NEVER, not once did it EVER work. Things got worse with Win 8. I refused to go up to 10 or 11. Win 8 was bad enough!

If something went wrong, I had to restore EVERYTHING to FACTORY settings, all the way back to the date I either first installed the OS or brought home the new computer. The kind of restore I'm talking about couldn't be done from the desktop or safe mode. It had to be done through BIOS. It was easy to get started but took forever to finish. Forever as in overnight. What I did was the exact same thing people pay UN-Godly amounts of money for when they think they have a virus. It literally takes 5 minutes to start the process.

But I digress...

I'm not so worried about messing something up with Linux. I'm good about backing up my files and I take regular SnapShots with TimeShift.

But most of all, TimeShift actually works!

In other words, I know the parachute will open if I need to pull that rip cord.
I've never had system restore (to a restore point) work satisfactorily either, although the the factory reset function in Windows 10 seems to work as expected... Which is to say it still leaves you with Windows 10 and whatever mis-feature of Windows 10 you were trying to fix when you blew it up in the first place. :(

You probably know more about Powershell than I do.
But yeah, if you're in front of a terminal and need to copy what's there, there's no other way than the one @Condobloke posted, I am afraid.

I already replied to this, but want to make sure you saw it. Using the script command DOES work to up load the code. You don't have to select text from the terminal to upload the code.

I can past all of the code into the code dialog </>, but I can't post it because my message is too long.

The same thing happened when I managed to select and copy all the code from the terminal itself.





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I saw that before. I thought you could attach the txt file to a forum thread.
I saw that before. I thought you could attach the txt file to a forum thread.
I'm sure you can. I'm one of those people who like to try things out. :) I also want to know why, about everything! It drove my professors nuts!
Nice. The linux journey continues.

I'll confess, I don't have zoom installed on any of my linux boxes, though I think it's on the old Win7 tower. If I ever have to fully remove it from there, I'll prepare for the worst.

Seems "locate" and "updatedb" aren't installed on my OS by default so I had no idea they existed. It's only in the last few years that I really even formed a working relationship with "find". I did just now load up "findutils" to get the locate and updatedb commands but between the fairly scant help provided by locate --help and the seriously tldr docs on, I decided that's not a project for today - So there's another thing that you know more about than I do. You're turning into a linux geek already. _ _ _ :)

Amusing anecdote:
A few years ago, during a job interview/test for a linux admin position, I forgot the syntax for "find" for finding a file by name. With the guy who was administering the test looking over my shoulder, I used find . and piped the (huge) output through grep to find the file I wanted. The guy either didn't notice or gave me points for keeping a straight face. Of course, unlike myself, he knew I'd never actually need those skills for the job in question. In any case, I did get the job - and I made a point of learning at least the rudiments of "find" after that.
I've never had system restore (to a restore point) work satisfactorily either, although the the factory reset function in Windows 10 seems to work as expected... Which is to say it still leaves you with Windows 10 and whatever mis-feature of Windows 10 you were trying to fix when you blew it up in the first place. :(

You probably know more about Powershell than I do.

Anything other than a factory restore leaves crap on your system. I found out when I tried that with Win 8. Those files are hidden, literally. Even if the restore points are deleted, they don't go away. You first have to know that there are hidden files. Then you have to figure out how to give yourself permission to look at them. Then you have to figure out how to get rid of them. Even after all of that, I still came across lingering files that should be gone.

I quit bothering with it. Factory restore was more efficient and effective. I had installation disks for Win 7. By then my trust was destroyed. I did a DOD wipe and reinstalled using my disks. Maybe it was overkill, but I had peace of mind!
To copy Terminal text is easy...
Select...Edit...Select All...Edit...Copy...then paste either in a Document or paste here like this...
bob@bob-MS-7D48:~$ sudo fstrim -v /
[sudo] password for bob:       
/: 6.9 GiB (7374028800 bytes) trimmed

1. There is an extra step that needs inserting there at the beginning, Bob, and that is to right-click in an empty part of Terminal and choose Show Menubar, if that is available. It is available in Cinnamon's GNOME Terminal, but not under all DE's terminal emulators.

I had already shown the OP elsewhere how to do that, hence her saying at #25

The same thing happened when I managed to select and copy all the code from the terminal itself.

or paste here like this...

Our Codes facility has a character limit, apparently, that is smaller than the mount of output she tried to put into it.

Works in many cases, though :)


Anything other than a factory restore leaves crap on your system. I found out when I tried that with Win 8. Those files are hidden, literally. Even if the restore points are deleted, they don't go away. You first have to know that there are hidden files. Then you have to figure out how to give yourself permission to look at them. Then you have to figure out how to get rid of them. Even after all of that, I still came across lingering files that should be gone.

I quit bothering with it. Factory restore was more efficient and effective. I had installation disks for Win 7. By then my trust was destroyed. I did a DOD wipe and reinstalled using my disks. Maybe it was overkill, but I had peace of mind!

I've occasionally thought I should learn how to hack (in the black hat sense) my own Windows system because it seems an intruder can apparently just -do- so much more with it than I can. Back door it somehow and finally be able actually own my PC. The only reason I haven't bothered to do it is, well, you know... Linux! So I don't have to. :)

New word: "autopwn" : The complete domination or seizure of a system that's already nominally yours. :cool:

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