I cannot quite determine what screen that is. Can you provide any insight?After upgrading to Linux mint 20. This has happened:
View attachment 6855
I have tried many times to restart it but it doesn't seem to help
I would've said so, but it doesn't look like it affected the graphical interface, just the text.My first guess would be that a driver for your monitor or some 'x' config is screwed up and so garbage spews to your display. But that's just a first reaction....
Those squares with the numbers in them are actually placeholders or ASCII representations of the font.There's nothing useful on that sceen display, at all. Going back to Condobloke's reply, we need very specific specs on your hardware.
FeaturesG'day Helen and Welcome to linux.org
Give us some specs......make , model, ram, cpu etc etc
Tell us the story....what was on the pc prior to your upgrade attempt
which instructions did you follow to upgrade
Do you have important data/music/pics on that pc ?....do you have a backup?
I was using 19 version and yes, I made a timeshift backupG'day Helen and welcome
Which Linux Mint did you upgrade from? an 18 or a 19, be specific if you can?
And did you follow the advice and make a Timeshift backup first?
Chris Turner
I had the exact same problem when I upgraded LM 19.3 to LM 20.After upgrading to Linux mint 20. This has happened:
View attachment 6855
I have tried many times to restart it but it doesn't seem to help
@Alexzee ....yes, she took the snapshot (thankfully !!)I was using 19 version and yes, I made a timeshift backup
For me, I think something went wrong 'during the upgrade' as I followed those instructions well.The display from the OP's screenshot is useful, in the same way that dumping a binary file is useful
Linux Mint has some information on the upgrade path to Mint 20. I'm not saying that those instructions were not followed, but the result indicates a problem took place either in preparation for the upgrade or during the upgrade. When in doubt, go to the source.