[Solved] Making iso file from DVD


New Member
May 3, 2019
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i have some system on DVD, which i want to make iso from,

i found code on

2 step implementation gives
check size:
# isoinfo -d -i /dev/cdrom | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size'

create iso:
# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/test.iso bs=<block size from above> count=<volume size from above> status=progress

so i created iso, which have size of 2 GB when check properties,
but whem im opening with Archive Menager, it is empty beside folder '.' which is 0 bytes.

What i am missing
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in dd, the "bs" option isn;t necessarily the size of your image file. It is the size of cache of memory that it copies the file in.
For example bs=4M will copy your image in 4meg chunks and opposed to 64k chunks. (less going back and forth)

The other things I don't see here here is... Where is your output file?

The base syntax for dd (with no flag options) is like this.... dd if=(input file system) of=(output file system)
For example... dd if=fedora-30-server-x86-64.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=512M
Will write an iso image to my usb drive. The image isn't 512meg in size (it's bigger) but I'm using that much memory caching to copy the image.
There I've pasted command from website,
I've edited it, so of=/path/to.iso

Anyways, in my /home/user folder there is the ISO file, but when open by archive in GNU, there is nothing but '.'
Ok Jarret,
this time it went much better,
sudo apt install brasero -y
with Brasero, 2 GB is 2GB

there is a thing though, that directory inside .iso file is /./files and should be just /files,
where does it coming from?

EDIT : it works, when you mount this file, it looks proper
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I believe part of that is the file itself. Once mounted it is fine. When you "burn" the image to a disc or device the "file" part is removed and the extra '/.' is not seen.
