SOLVED: UBUNTU 24.04 LTS Installation Problem...

try again by
1]power off your machine [completely]
2] put usb in port
3]if using ext HDD connect,
4] switch power on whilst jiggling the short menu key [often F12 but dose differ between makes]
5]from the short boot menu, select the USB ISO pen-drive and enter
Does your chosen Linux load to test mode? if yes, now try again to install, make sure if you want duel boot with windows you select install alongside.

try again by
1]power off your machine [completely]
2] put usb in port
3]if using ext HDD connect,
4] switch power on whilst jiggling the short menu key [often F12 but dose differ between makes]
5]from the short boot menu, select the USB ISO pen-drive and enter
Does your chosen Linux load to test mode? if yes, now try again to install, make sure if you want duel boot with windows you select install alongside.
Thanks a lot for your help. But it DID NOT works anyway, everything still the same.
My update: I did go back with 22.04, burn it into usb stick (by rufus 4.4 with GRUB 2.06 included, not 4.5 because it contains GRUB 2.12 only). I got notification cannot find TOCBLOCK, database maybe corrupt again when loading into Ubuntu install, but everything after work like a charm. Now, i can use Ubuntu 22.04 normally and wait for a full package to upgrade to 24.04 (Noble Numbat) at August, 2024 (official declare from Ubuntu).
My little Update: I have installed Ubuntu 22.04 and it messed me up. 3 drives were auto converted from GPT to MBR (i have 5 drive, just one in MBR) when it mounted in Ubuntu. I have to backup data and use Minitool Partition in Windows 10 to convert all of this drives (except 1 SSD has Windows 10 that was not converted) MBR back to GPT. After that, i plugged usb stick (with Ubuntu 24.04) to check and that notification "cannot find TOCBLOCK, database maybe corrupt" was gone. Now, i can install 24.04 without any troubles.
I think Partition style (MBR or GPT) and maybe more another removable devices caused this troubles. You should temporarily remove some drives and/or any removable devices if you got this troubles (Note: do not remove your drive where you want to install it).

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