Erik Groothuijzen
Active Member
Finding my way around Linux Mint quite happily theses days and everything seems to work OK. Two issues that still bother me: One is the display and the other is the sound. The display settings give me 100% (too small) or 200% (too large) with nothing in between. Increasing the font does not increase the web page heading and the experimental increments on the setting tab doe not work very well. I would need only about 125 to 150%. Any suggestions.
The other is the sound volume on the laptop speakers (the earphones are fine) in some applications. The VLC app takes very good care of it and and a YouTube add on on Firefox allows you to double the sound, which works fine. Have found the ALSA mixer which improved matters somewhat but did not solve it entirely.
The other is the sound volume on the laptop speakers (the earphones are fine) in some applications. The VLC app takes very good care of it and and a YouTube add on on Firefox allows you to double the sound, which works fine. Have found the ALSA mixer which improved matters somewhat but did not solve it entirely.