What apps outside your sources do you use?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
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Here are the ones that I currently have installed:
aptitude search ?obsolete
i   balena-etcher-electron                                                 - balenaEtcher is a powerful OS image flasher built with web technologies to ensure
i   com.github.johnfactotum.foliate                                        - Simple and modern eBook viewer                                                   
i   gmcpil                                                                 - Simple launcher for Minecraft: Pi Edition - GTK+ Edition.                        
i   koreader                                                               - Ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats   
i   minecraft-pi-reborn-client                                             - Fun with Blocks                                                                  
i   simple-motd                                                            - Simple MOTD for Debian-based desktops and terminals                              
i   ulauncher                                                              - Application launcher for Linux                                                   
i   vivaldi-stable                                                         - Experience the web in a whole new way with Vivaldi.                              
i   webapp-manager                                                         - Web Application Manager

Name                                            Application ID                                Version                Branch           Installation
Wike                                            com.github.hugolabe.Wike                      1.5.7                  stable           system
Flatseal                                        com.github.tchx84.Flatseal                    1.7.4                  stable           system
Fluffychat                                      im.fluffychat.Fluffychat                      0.41.1                 stable           system
FreeTube                                        io.freetubeapp.FreeTube                       0.14.0 Beta            stable           system
Chromium Web Browser                            org.chromium.Chromium                         93.0.4577.82           stable           system
Codecs                                          org.chromium.Chromium.Codecs                                         stable           system
Freedesktop Platform                            org.freedesktop.Platform                      20.08.15               20.08            system
Mesa                                            org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default           21.1.7                 20.08            system
GNOME Application Platform version 40           org.gnome.Platform                                                   40               system

Name               Version          Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes
core18             20210722         2127   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
core20             20210702         1084   latest/stable  canonical✓  base
firefox            93.0b8-1         623    latest/beta    mozilla✓    -
gnome-3-38-2004    0+git.6ba6040    78     latest/stable  canonical✓  -
gtk-common-themes  0.1-52-gb92ac40  1515   latest/stable  canonical✓  -
snapd              2.51.7           13171  latest/stable  canonical✓  snapd

I also have Eclipse, Pycharm, IntelliJ, Tor Browser, Simplenote, Discord, Element, Greenfoot, Node-RED,

I use quite a few that are not in the repos, most of them are appimages(though some are, like libreoffice), and some others like megasync, codium, alarm-clock ... But I do try to stick as much as possible to the repos. Don't use snaps or flatpaks, don't like them.
I use Drumburp, Rednotebook (classic diary/journal software), cmus (terminal based music player), ncdu, OBS Studio and a ton of suckless software, all built and installed from source, from their respective GitHub repositories.

There are numerous others. And even a few things that I install via pip, or pip3 too. Plus some Ruby based applications installed as gems.

All of the suckless stuff is available in the repos, but I use the GitHub versions, so I get the latest bug fixes and patches as soon as they’re released. The suckless software doesn’t get updated that often, because most of the software is considered complete and has very few bugs. But the packages in Debian tend to lag behind the GitHub by quite a bit!

I also run a modded version of dwm. So it doesn’t make sense to use the repo version of dwm. It makes more sense for me to pull updates from dwm’s master branch and then merge their changes into my personal, customised branch. That way I can keep all of my changes and keep dwm up to date!

And I don’t use snaps, or flatpak, but I have used appimages of Krita and Openshot a few times!
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I use a few that are not in the repros for my distro.
Etcher (Appimage)
Stacer (Appimage)
slimbook-battery - PPA
Ubuntu Cleaner - PPA
Zoom - Download from web page.
a few others I can't remember at the moment. I always try to use the repositories whenever possible though.
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- Legends of Equestria (haven't played in ages, dunno if it's still running or has players -- definitely will be killed by G5 which I await watching with very low expectations).*
- Zoom*
- RPCS3 (haven't tested it yet)
- Electrum (will change to repo ver now that's on Debian 11 once I upgrade from 10).
- Firefox (repo version installed, too)*
- LibreWolf (just playing with it until I'm ready to quit FF)*

* Either installed on my laptop, not main machine, or local to a separate user.

That's about it right now. I try to avoid alien stuff where I can, with the exception of source.
There are what I obtain using the search function
i 4kvideodownloader - Download online video
i 4kyoutubetomp3 - Download online audio
i python3-tartube - GUI front-end for youtube-dl
But I also have Brave and Tor browsers; tutanota email; HPLIP toolbox
But I find that the software manager has all the programs that I may want to use.
KBGOffice which is a dictionary and it can be anything - a technical dictionary, a multi-directional language dictionary, math, you name it. Also a few programs for Windows but they run quite fine in Linux - Pazera Free Audio Extractor (can extract and convert audio tracks from videos), Total Commander (sometimes I use it to compare file sizes in Windows style), IrfanView, mp3tag (though I recently moved to WAVs - much better quality than mp3, so I'm using that rarely now).

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