Would you use Firefox relay?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2021
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I just received a newsletter from Mozilla on tips to improve online privacy. https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/four-ways-to-protect-your-data-privacy/

Here is an excerpt from the article:
Email addresses are also a hot commodity for data collection, and with good reason. Most people have only a few email addresses, yet they have dozens, if not hundreds, of online accounts connected to them. Your email address is a unique identifier — after all, you’re the only one with it. Think about all of the information someone could glean by connecting everything you do to your email identity.

How we can help right now:
Firefox Relay is a smart solution for shielding your email. With just a click, you can create an email alias that forwards to your inbox, keeping your actual email address private. Plus, it helps cut down on spam and hacking attempts.
While I agree that I register lots of websites with the same email, but I'm not sure if someone will know my identity or all websites I registered with just by knowing my email. Also, I don't use the same email for social media and Paypal. I use Tutanota for Paypal and Yandex Mail for forums.

What is your thought on this?

If I want a service like that, I'd just create it myself. It's easy to do with cPanel and one can enable catchall email addresses. You can dump the site behind cloudflare for free and generate free domain names at freenom if one wanted.

I don't think I'd want to trust them to supply that service for me. It also seems like a juicy target where someone may set up a MITM attack.

Addendum: I don't care if you know my identity. I don't care if the big companies know my name. I don't care if the government knows my name. So, I don't bother. I use the same email address for all sorts of things in the same category.
It's easy to do with cPanel and one can enable catchall email addresses. You can dump the site behind cloudflare for free and generate free domain names at freenom if one wanted.

I know about CpanelX, which is the control panel that comes with hosting. However, I have 2 questions:
- Can this be done 100% free without paying for hosting?
- Does the email will be encrypted when forwarded to my primary email address?
From my short search on Google, while I can set up a free web hosting with CPanel, the problem is that free hosting doesn't come with SSL. Unless if I choose the paid version.
I know about CpanelX, which is the control panel that comes with hosting. However, I have 2 questions:
- Can this be done 100% free without paying for hosting?
- Does the email will be encrypted when forwarded to my primary email address?
From my short search on Google, while I can set up a free web hosting with CPanel, the problem is that hosting doesn't come with SSL. Unless if I choose the paid version.
If something is free you are the product.
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- Can this be done 100% free without paying for hosting?

While there are free hosting companies, they're going to frown on it if you just use their service as an email server. There are some non-profit hosting companies out there (run on donations), but check their ToS carefully.

If you're not worried about the Russians, Yandex has free email hosting that will let you set up like unlimited accounts for your own domain. Freenom has free domain names but I'd strongly urge you to buy one. I'm reasonably confident that they'd be mining that data but if you don't care then you don't care.

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