Wubuntu anyone had any experience with this?


Active Member
Jul 31, 2021
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Just happened across this. I am going to spin it up in a vm to check it out. By description seems like a Frankenstein project stiching some windows and Ubuntu together (not unlike wsl only a little more complete). Dunno not something I'm really looking for but I am now curious

Just loaded it and gave it a spin. They went out of their way to make it look like windows. They added microsoft edge and copilot. Ability to connect to the windows crack pipe (aka onedrive). It does appear to be graphics on top of KDE. I use KDE desktop already mainly because I like Dolphin over Nautalis. Next long term release of Ubuntu Desktop I may go back. I have no love of windows so this one is a hard pass for me....:)
This was discussed a few months ago I think, Jarret B opened a topic about it. The KDE version is supposed to make like Windows11 and Cinnamon version like Windows10. (scratch head)

Yet Linux is not Windows. This line must be repeated. Could dress a wolf like grandma but eventually "The Red Girl" would be eaten if she can't tell the difference from a short distance.
Damn, I thought for a moment there y'all were discussing Wubi.......Canonical's 'Buntu-inside-Windows project they deprecated a decade ago! :p


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