Where are you seeing these ads on Youtube.
Big bright pop-up. Though, I do have a second ad-blocker installed from when uBlock failed. I haven't disabled it yet.
You'll see it - probably. I'll try disabling the extra one to see if that makes it go away. The uBlock extension may just block the entire element while the second one may not. It just started showing up this evening, as I was catching up on my favorite channels. So, Google is mucking about with the YouTube code again.
I'm certain that even the nag will be defeated in short order. Well, it depends on how much effort YouTube is going to put into it. It is possible to block anything not showing ads with pretty good success rates. The data can often still be found - and you can often use a text-based browser to get past it. Most sites don't put in that much effort.
Basically, you add a check to ensure the ads were actually loaded, throw a message if they weren't, and don't load the HTML content unless a UUID confirms that the element was loaded. But, you can sometimes defeat that by simply not loading scripts at all - but that too can be checked and blocked.
It's a lot like work for little gain. That just angers users who block ads. My site theoretically tosses up a request for folks to enable ads, but that's as far as I'll go. If they don't want to enable ads, that's okay. I'd rather they have access to the content than make the few pennies I'd get for showing ads.