Yumi USB Download Help


Active Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Hi, I should know this but don't. I've got a clean 14.8gb usb stick in my Win7 x64 and have downloaded Yumi. The instructions online sound so simple but at the install window, after I've selected my OS (Mint 18.3 x32-64) and clicked what boxes 'I think' they're asking for, it freezes. Here's the pic. Please tell me what to do.

I'm trying to get myself a portable 18.3...and any other distr's I might like to have as portables on this stick. I thought I could just tell Yumi what I've got and what I want and bang...it would happen. Not so.

I'm doing this from my desktop because I don't know how to do it from my Toshiba Notebook with Mint 18.3 already on it thanks to the Wiz. I didn't want to go the Mirrors route.

Thanks in advance!


  • Yumi-Download.PNG
    39.7 KB · Views: 892

G'day Doc, nice to see you.

You're catching zzz's and I'm off for my Saturday night.

But you know I am meticulous, so I want to identify what you want to do with this one or more Linux. I do not think YUMI is the answer for you, but first tell us.



BTW have you been Stateside yet, or still to go?
Hi Chris...no I'm still here and waiting for a specific financial event to occur. Seems closer than when we last talked. I'll let you know.

Chris all I'm trying to do is 1) learn what this aspect of Linux is all about...I mean to be able to download something like Yumi is purported to be and then be able to load up as many distributions on a usb stick as I'd like and carry them in my pocket. As you well know, we've got 18.1 and 18.3 already on the Toshiba and we've talked about waiting until a newer permanent distr comes out and then going to work on all that space currently on this desktop not being used for anything. I keep reading, Chris, but there's still blank spots in my understanding and I can't express myself too well but I still think I'm making progress. It doesn't frighten the hell out of me anymore which has to be progress.

Is there a new permanent version coming? And if not Yumi for this current little project, what do you suggest?

It was really good to hear from you and I hope you're doing really well!
Hadn't forgotten you Dick, been working on providing information for you. :)

I'm trying to get myself a portable 18.3...and any other distr's I might like to have as portables on this stick. I thought I could just tell Yumi what I've got and what I want and bang...it would happen. Not so.

OK, portable in what sense?

1. Is it for home use moving between the Satellite and the desktop, or for travelling Stateside with, or both?

2. Are you looking to have data that is currently on either of the Sylvias that are on the Satellite and the desktop incorporated into this stick, or just looking to use Linux to access the internet, do online banking, send emails, whatever?

The answers for 1. and 2. above will factor into what solution is best suited for you.

I didn't want to go the Mirrors route.

3. Can you define that?

Given you have found YUMI, and the version you are using, it is likely you have found pendrivelinux.com

Have a read there of this article, including the advantages and disadvantages


Having a multiboot USB stick, and having each one enabled with Persistence is a tall order, but not insurmountable.

I am currently looking into Windows based solutions such as YUMI Windows only) , Multibootusb (cross-platform), Universal USB Installer (Windows only), and I already know most of what is required for use of Multisystem (Linux only) - all these for Persistence options.

Will detail more tomorrow, my time


Wizard out
You really give my brain a workout, Chris...and maybe my questions gives yours a headache! Let's see if I can identify what it is I'm trying to do. When we go up to the States, initially that trip will be like a 6mo trip to locate a property and have some medical issues dealt with. So I'll only have the notebook with me. I wouldn't think I would have it everywhere I go but I could very well have need of some of my saved pics, bank info, files while away from my hotel room. Hence the usb 16gb thumb drive. So maybe all I need is a permanent Precise Puppy? If so I'll have to start again to learn how to set it up. You asked about 'Mirrors'...as opposed to .iso downloading...I guess because I've had such a problem with downloading the different Mint versions (and being absolutely stupid about the entire process), I felt the .iso download would simplify things for me. If wrong please say so. I did use Yumi Multiboot and have both 18.3 as well as 19.2 on one stick...I'm assuming for now that either will boot if I plug it in and restart (it should show in the boot order)?

When the permanent move occurs, I'll have to break open the moving boxes up there and set up the internet fresh. The ultimate purpose for all the work you've helped with, Chris, is to get free of Windows and be able to do everything with Linux on the desktops. They're not going to be supporting that version much longer anyway. I'm not worried like I was when you 1st started teaching me and it's nice to know that if I run into anything I can't handle that you and the forum are right there for me.

Thanks again for helping with this added step.
Dick just a holding post for now, have to go.

You won't be able to use that stick on the Toshiba unless you have overcome the problem of how to get into your BIOS and set the USB drive ahead of the hard drive, for it to boot.

If you can do that on the desktop you can check to see if the stick works.

If you can use it there, go into Sylvia or Tina on the stick, and do something like change the background on the desktop, or start a file TestPersist with "Did this work?", save and exit.

Then reboot and go back in. If the changes did not stick you do not have Persistence.


You won't be able to use that stick on the Toshiba unless you have overcome the problem of how to get into your BIOS and set the USB drive ahead of the hard drive, for it to boot.

I have a Toshiba Portege R600. I don't need to access the BIOS. At the first screen that says "Toshiba" there are little icons which signify boot options. I just need to go to the icon of a USB stick...
O.K., good news is that somehow (don't ask!) when I did the F8 on restart with the usb stick plugged into my desktop, the usb option shows up at the end of the list now. Somehow the Del key fit into that sequence and up came Yumi and the 2 destros...18.3 just kept flicking at me which probably is because it is already in my boot options on this desktop. But 19 loaded and came up. So I know 19 works on the desktop. I'll try it again on the Toshiba and checkout what arochester is saying.
Arochester...you are right. I shutdown the Toshiba Satellite, plugged in the usb stick and fired back up. At the main screen the F12 gives me my boot options and the 3rd one is USB. Same results as above. 18.3 just flicks at me but 19 installed. The options of the two distros were again given to me on Yumi which displays at #3. on the Boot Menu.

Now I'm assuming because this is not an actual hard drive install that is the reason the Update Program does not work? Anyway now I know the stick works on both Win7 Boot Menu as well as the Toshiba (Linux) Boot Menu.
On my 2nd coffee for Wednesday morning - Morning chaps

Hallelujah, have we finally got it? Thanks ever so much Arochester, and good work Dick :)

...18.3 just kept flicking at me which probably is because it is already in my boot options on this desktop.

Not likely, but don't worry about it for now, let's focus on the working Tina.

Now I'm assuming because this is not an actual hard drive install that is the reason the Update Program does not work?

No, but I have a good idea why that is, will get to it soon.

Revisit #6, where I said, in part

...go into Sylvia or Tina on the stick, and do something like change the background on the desktop, or start a file TestPersist with "Did this work?", save and exit.

Then reboot and go back in. If the changes did not stick you do not have Persistence.

So if you want to create a test file, go to any unoccupied space on Tina's desktop, right-click and choose

Create New Document - Empty Document

and it will likely appear under the Install icon, as UntitledDocument.

If highlighted, just overstrike the name to, say, TestPersist, and enter once or twice to open the document, which will be empty.

Type in eg "Did this work?", Save and Exit.

Pick a background wallpaper.

Right-click on the desktop, choose Change Desktop Background.

The popup window will likely contain entries for Linux Mint, Tara, Tessa, Tina and Pictures.

Nothing in Pictures, yet.

Pick one of the top 4 categories and choose a desktop background and exit. You should have your new background.

Now for the test.

Down to your LM Start Menu, choose the Power - Quit button and choose Restart

When the computer reboots, go back into YUMI's menu and choose Tina 19.2

When you get to the desktop, if that document is not there and you do not have your new wallpaper, you do not have Persistence.

Report back.


Wizard headed for ... more coffee
Quick question Dick with the USB stick and YUMI, did you install Sylvia 18.3 first and then Tina 19.2 second, or the other way around?

I can't say for sure but on the Yumi screen 18.3 is in 1st order; 19.2 is on the bottom.

Chris, I'll get to your procedure above tomorrow a.m. Worn out tonight.
Well, looks like I crowed too soon. I've now tried multiple times to shut down and restart (boot) with the thumb drive in...go to #3 Boot. 1st time Yumi flashed and disappeared and then the screen just shows the cursor blinking. After that Yumi doesn't show anymore and if I select the #3 Boot it does nothing but flash.

This is all from the Toshiba notebook. Haven't done anything with the desktop. What now?
Well, well...19.2 came up thru Yumi, I created the test doc, I changed the desktop to the Liberty Statue and restarted. No deal...nothing changed. Tell me what this means, Chris and what do I do about it?

The USB option does show up in the Boot of the desktop...not in the Toshiba though.
Ta (thanks) for the input Dick, I figured as much, but I am not crowing either :)

I'll put it all together for you while you are catching well-earned zzz's.

None of this is wasted, and learning what not to do, and learning what does not/will not work, can be as valuable as learning what to do, what does work and will likely work :)

IMO - in my opinion .... and that is something I am seldom short of.

I have an unscheduled road trip to take so won't be back for about 8 hours.

In the meantime, you could take a look at this article about how to use YUMI


In it, there is reference to a point 6 pictures down where it shows a slider for Persistence. If you did not have that, or drag the slider to set Persistence of up to 4 GB, you had your settings wrong and did not get Persistence.

The text says in part

Under Step 4 you can drag a slider along to set an area of persistence. This will allow you to save changes to the operating systems you install to the USB drive. The slider controls how much drive space the operating system has to work with on the USB.

By default, this is set to nothing and therefore anything you do in the operating systems on the USB drive will be lost and reset the next time you reboot.

I'll bring you more when I get a chance.

You are correct Wiz...the Persistent line was there...hard to see on the Yumi screen because the lines overlap each other and the screen can't be enlarged. Easy to overlook.

It just finished a new download, per your instructions. That was 19.2. It's asking if I want another distro so I;ll also try 18.3.

I'll let you know.
Got 'em both downloaded onto their own thumb drives...I was told by Yumi there was not sufficient space to put them both on the same drive.
Curious thing happened (unrelated), I went to update my 18.1 on the Toshiba and was told I'm low on allocated space. So I thought I could give myself more room on the FileSystem-Root and was advised that I was not the owner, so I cannot change these permissions. It's just me and my wife and we're both 'Administrators'. What is wrong? And how do I correct the too little space issue?


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