OK Dick, more or less back now. 
YUMI appears to be very pernickety, as is the same for one of its contemporaries, multibootusb, with regard to Persistence.
I could go on more, but that will consume time and space. (But at least I am up to speed now on current versions of YUMI and Multibootusb
, I subscribe to "no learning is ever wasted")
I will have much more for you tomorrow, but for now, let's revisit the nuts and bolts of your #5 Post (edited by me)
Can't help you with "The Pupsters" (Puppy), still to use, properly. Wonderful invention, though, by Australian Barry Kauler, it's on my To Do list.
I believe German Klaus Knopper's Linux Distro Knoppix will fit the bill, or possibly MX-18, which also has a Persistence feature, but I have not used it, yet.
Have a read of (Google search)
knoppix wikipedia
to start with.
Over the last few days, between the fires dramas, I have trialled older version Knoppix v8.2 on a 64 GB USB stick, and the latest, v8.6 released just 20 days ago, on a 16 GB USB stick such as you have, and it seems eminently suitable for what you describe.
Knoppix features a hybrid DE (Desktop Environment) based on a combination of LXDE predominantly, with elements of KDE included, so it will be a little different from your Cinnamon comfort zone.
To get better acquainted with the different DEs, read this old but still factual article at
If you are interested, we will close this Thread and start another (but wait until I say).
Wizard out for now

YUMI appears to be very pernickety, as is the same for one of its contemporaries, multibootusb, with regard to Persistence.
I could go on more, but that will consume time and space. (But at least I am up to speed now on current versions of YUMI and Multibootusb

I will have much more for you tomorrow, but for now, let's revisit the nuts and bolts of your #5 Post (edited by me)
When we go up to the States, initially that trip will be like a 6mo trip to locate a property and have some medical issues dealt with. So I'll only have the notebook with me. I wouldn't think I would have it everywhere I go but I could very well have need of some of my saved pics, bank info, files while away from my hotel room. Hence the usb 16gb thumb drive. So maybe all I need is a permanent Precise Puppy?
Can't help you with "The Pupsters" (Puppy), still to use, properly. Wonderful invention, though, by Australian Barry Kauler, it's on my To Do list.
I believe German Klaus Knopper's Linux Distro Knoppix will fit the bill, or possibly MX-18, which also has a Persistence feature, but I have not used it, yet.
Have a read of (Google search)
knoppix wikipedia
to start with.
Over the last few days, between the fires dramas, I have trialled older version Knoppix v8.2 on a 64 GB USB stick, and the latest, v8.6 released just 20 days ago, on a 16 GB USB stick such as you have, and it seems eminently suitable for what you describe.
Knoppix features a hybrid DE (Desktop Environment) based on a combination of LXDE predominantly, with elements of KDE included, so it will be a little different from your Cinnamon comfort zone.
To get better acquainted with the different DEs, read this old but still factual article at
If you are interested, we will close this Thread and start another (but wait until I say).
Wizard out for now