New (additional) Super Moderator


Staff member
Gold Supporter
Apr 30, 2017
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Some of you may or may not have noticed that we have a new Super Moderator in our ranks, but bad luck, I'm not going anywhere :)

The new Mod is David G. better known as @KGIII

I can certainly use the help, and @Rob , our erstwhile Administrator, can speak for himself.

Welcome David!

David has only been with us 8 months, but it seems like longer because of his numerous and valued contributions to all and sundry.

By all means share with him this "welcome".

Chris Turner

Congratulations, David! And thank you for taking on the extra responsibility!

P.S. Thanks to you too, Chris! Being a mod and keeping the place sane is often a thankless job, so I also want to recognize all the work that you've done here for years.

Thank you both! :)
I can't think of anything original to write so I will just say:
THANKS for helping out with the work that keeps this forum going!
I know that both Chris and Rob will greatly appreciate what you will be doing.
Old Geez TC

Thanks! There are a bunch of extra buttons, but I know how they work - more or less.

(AKA The Peter Parker Principle)

I'm pretty sure you've already seen my intro thread. That explains how I view the position. I'm a glorified janitor - and it's not all that much glory. Thanks for the warm welcome.

I've never looked at a moderator as being a janitor but it makes sense when I think about it.

I've moderated large forums before and I've found there are two (active) ways to approach it. One is you can be a babysitter and the second is you can be a janitor. Y'all don't need babysitting, but you can use a janitor. If I'd had to be a babysitter, I'd have declined the position.

And thank you for taking on the extra responsibility!

You're most welcome and thanks. I shall perform my duties to the best of my ability!

THANKS for helping out with the work that keeps this forum going!

'Snot a problem. Glad to serve and I consider it an honor to be asked.

So does this mean I will see more of your responses.

More? I don't know if that's possible! ;-) One of the reasons I was asked was my rather large comment history in a relatively short time. I'd expect maybe a slight uptick in comments, as I may need to make additional remarks regarding moving threads or the likes.
Congratulations, David @KGIII.

Thanks! It's not a huge task, as the people here tend to act like adults. It's mostly just blocking spam and approving posts. So, it's not overwhelming or anything. I've dealt with large forums in the past. I will have less time when the temperatures rise, but I can still make time for the forum.
Thanks. I shall be a good janitor during my time in this position.

I'm usually awake pretty early, but not this early!

Congrats! I knew you were a sort of staff member, but I had no idea you were a Super Moderator. :D
Congrats! I knew you were a sort of staff member, but I had no idea you were a Super Moderator. :D

I'm not 100% sure, but I think our interaction was just prior to me officially getting the title - or just after it.

It has been 'in the works' for a little while, but the switches weren't pulled until yesterday. Prior to that, I was just a regular user.

Though, I still consider myself a regular user. I just have the power (and obligation) to keep the place free of spam and make sure threads are in the right section. All that has really changed is now I have to flag fewer posts. I can just make the changes myself.

Anyhow, it's an honor to serve such a fine community. Thanks!
The olde wizard @wizardfromoz could use some help.

Yo, Hansel, cut me some slack, I'm 5,000 years old.

I'm good for another millennium, then I'll regenerate and come back to haunt you. Mwahahaha.

but the switches weren't pulled until yesterday.

Glad Rob got those switches right - last time (with me), he pressed the Hangman switch (he says by mistake) and I went out through a trapdoor on the end of 10 feet of rope. By the time he got it sorted I was 6'1" (was 5'10").

Friday here in Oz so

Glad Rob got those switches right - last time (with me), he pressed the Hangman switch (he says by mistake) and I went out through a trapdoor on the end of 10 feet of rope. By the time he got it sorted I was 6'1" (was 5'10").

At first, I just had the title and no magic buttons. That got squared away fairly quickly. I was a mod by appearances only.
I can just imagine David ripping open his shirt to reveal a diamond-shaped emblem with the letters "SM" on it
It's mostly just blocking spam and reminding folks that there's a strict no politics rule. Most folks don't need too many reminders.

So much spam tries to get through... So much...

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