(gnome) Discord not in a "window"

it even looks pretty.. for gnome..
The installation in that vm is default, I installed it just to try it out myself. I'm sure it's possible to put a theme on Gnome to make it look nicer. I don't really know since I haven't used Gnome as a daily driver GUI since Gnome2, using KDE Plasma myself now.
Yeah it was wrong of me to assume it was a Gnome thing without knowing OP's distribution and without knowing that you are using Gnome as well. So it must be one of those things different distributions make different choices on when it comes to defaults settings for a DE.
never cant know, maybe i answered way too mean :D
The installation in that vm is default, I installed it just to try it out myself. I'm sure it's possible to put a theme on Gnome to make it look nicer. I don't really know since I haven't used Gnome as a daily driver GUI since Gnome2, using KDE Plasma myself now.
Yep. that's when i switched too... How dare they take away my fairy farts... (burning windows)!?
I found the solution.
1. Install gnome-tweaks.
2. Open gnome-tweaks
3. Go to Window Titlebars
4. Turn sliders to on for "Maximize" and "Minimize".
I already have gnome tweaks. And your mentioned options don't do anything. As per your previous post, you at the very least have a cross on top, i don't even have that much.
I already have gnome tweaks. And your mentioned options don't do anything. As per your previous post, you at the very least have a cross on top, i don't even have that much.
What distribution are you using and I'm assuming you are using Gnome?
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I install PopOS(22.04) in a vm and works right out of the box, the x and the minimize were there by default, I had to enable maximize through gnome-tweaks.
Screenshot from 2023-01-02 20-51-43.png

Try creating a new user on that same computer, then login and open Discord as that user. Does the x and the minimize show at the top of the Discord window then?
Screenshot from 2023-01-02 21-21-34.png

Is that under a new user account?
I've done some tinkering. Disabling hardware acceleration fixes the problem. But that makes it woefully chuggy and unresponsive. I've tried installing with different package managers. They all offer the same result.

I've found an alternate method of controlling the size and shape of the window. I am simply unwilling to invest more time into this projectile diarrhea of an app that, I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, if it wasn't necessary for me to stay in touch with certain groups of people.

Suffice it to say, that I've gained control over it. Thanks for your help.

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