grub rescue when booting Windows 10 bootable usb.


New Member
May 15, 2020
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Hello, i have Kali Linux Latest Version, i have used it for three months, and now i want install windows 10 on my second Hard Drive, i have created bootable usb, but when i want boot the usb it show me grub rescue, i need help.

so you changed something about the size of partitions . shrunk the kali and made room for Windows ? or something similar ?but me thinks why would you do that if you have a spare drive do with order of hd that boots maybe ?
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it would have been better to install Linux after Windows 10, not the other way around . which grub is showing , to me they are both rescue of sorts :

grub >

or the fully monty , things really screwed :

grub rescue >
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1) How did you create a bootable USB?
2) I would begin by disconnecting Drive 1 with Kali Linux on it and install Windows to Drive 2 only.
yes your right i was thinking about dual boot, windows on one drive can't mess up Linux on another .
1) How did you create a bootable USB?
2) I would begin by disconnecting Drive 1 with Kali Linux on it and install Windows to Drive 2 only.
I have formated the usb into ntfs filesystem on gparted and added boot flag to usb, then i have mounted the iso file, and copy the iso content to usb.
so you changed something about the size of partitions . shrunk the kali and made room for Windows ? or something similar ?but me thinks why would you do that if you have a spare drive do with order of hd that boots maybe ?
i have already kali linux, and i have choosed the entire usb space
@CptCharis did post a video of approach you can try :

i've been playing with grub and found this handy :

it even found elilo.efi on my slackware and could boot it up.
i want boot installation iso not the entire system

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