How do Servers like those at and Google seem to always stay Online.....? :3


Active Member
May 16, 2017
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So I've been wondering this for a little while now..... When Linux and Windows and the BSDs and HP-UX, etc., get Kernel updates, it seems they need to reboot..... :3 But what about you Rob.....? :3 When you get a Kernel update, do you have to reboot.....? :3 Does Google have to reboot.....? :3 How do I reboot my life.....? :3 Thank you for any answers guys..... :3 I wanna' keep my production Server runnin', so..... :3

Hello @blackneos940, how are you
Back in the past i had downloaded this PDF for servers but is refer to windows actually, just check it if you want.


Hey there, yep.. I reboot after kernel updates. It's only down for like 5 minutes though if that, so no one notices.

In google's case, they have redundant servers so their load balancing points traffic to the servers that are up while the others reboot.. then switch to the newly rebooted ones to reboot the others. (it's a lot more involved, but that's the general idea).
Hello @blackneos940, how are you
Back in the past i had downloaded this PDF for servers but is refer to windows actually, just check it if you want.
I thank you good Captain!..... :3 Captain at the Server Barge!..... :3 (That's a complement, by the way..... :D) I'll check it out!..... ^^
Hey there, yep.. I reboot after kernel updates. It's only down for like 5 minutes though if that, so no one notices.

In google's case, they have redundant servers so their load balancing points traffic to the servers that are up while the others reboot.. then switch to the newly rebooted ones to reboot the others. (it's a lot more involved, but that's the general idea).
I KNEW there was some secret to the sauce they didn't tell me..... :3 Lol, I'll play a game..... :3 I'll visit this site at a chosen time, and if I get to it while you're rebooting, you give me a Browser Cookie, ok.....? :D (I use Chromium-based Browsers btw..... :3 )
ACTUALLY there are ways to comment kernel updates without even pushing the power button. Whether or not if there a feasible open source software like it does it is the "million dollars" question.

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