Solved forum mails seems to be delivered with a delay

Solved issue
It looks like it's starting to act normal again
This is the test from @Brickwizard's reply.

Mailserver1: 20:00:06
Mailserver2: 20:00:06.428
Mailserver3: 20:00:06.484806753
Mailserver4: 20:00:19
Forum topic time: 19:30

This is the test from @Condobloke
Mailserver1: 20:00:06
Mailserver2: 20:00:06.602
Mailserver3: 20:00:06.661940571
Mailserver4: 20:00:16
Forum topic time: 19:47

I converted all the times to UTC time, so it seems something has changed since the delay times are getting shorter. Thanks for replying guys, will see if tomorrow things are back to normal. And am still curious to know if someone fixed or changed something today.

It's now 22.10 no more mail received, but an alert from Condobloke's post made at 21.07
I guess if I was to drink more grog it may help ?....!!

I volunteer to do that for you... I have no problems, guess I am a lucky Wizard
Received 12 emails, all at 13:40pm

All appear to have been posted to the forum this days AM

10:27am - 12:18 approx
if anyone feels like poring over this...feel free.

I just plucked this one from the middle of the bunch

email received "last night" 11th Feb 2024 @ 17:10pm

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Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2024 08:10:09 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Need to get audio and mic working in Lenovo Yoga C940-15IRH with no
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3 emails at 14.35, and 1 at 14.37 (pm)

2 of them were duplicates, and were 55 minutes after the posts were made

2 were 49 minutes after their posts were made
if anyone feels like poring over this...feel free.
I translated the times in your mail headers to UTC time.

Mailserver1: 08:10:09
Mailserver2: 08:10:09.740
Mailserver3: 08:10:09.790164709
Mailserver4: 00:10:10 08:10:10
Forum post: 06:20:00

If that notification mail is for this topic and this reply.

Then it seems there is still a delay of the forum software sending mail to the mailserver. I am also still getting delays. At this point I think there is no more point in tracking it, except for hoping @Rob can take a look at it.
Last edited:
no better today, taking up to 4 hrs for emails to come.
If anything it is worse.

Received a number of emails at 02:80, aussie time.....all late......

No emails since then...despite activity on the site.

Dropping @Rob here appears to have zero affect. Too busy doing other things, I guess.

This was first noticed last Saturday, 5 days ago.
If anything it is worse.

Received a number of emails at 02:80, aussie time.....all late......

No emails since then...despite activity on the site.
From all my mail headers I've read through and also yours, the problem seems to be that the forum software sends the notification mails delayed to the mail server since all the mail servers those mails go through pass it on directly since those UTC times match quite closely.
I don't do email notifications, but some threads predate me turning those off.

I can now confirm that it took about 4 hours for me to get the notification. is slowly but surely going down the drain

I wonder when our fearless leader will get the message and appear ? is slowly but surely going down the drain

I wonder when our fearless leader will get the message and appear ?
The site is quite a significant one for so many readers and subscribers who seek help for so many issues that subscribers bring, myself included. However, it does get quite flaky at times by failing to connect for one reason or another. Without having logged the failures, my sense is that for me here in Oz that on average it would be at least once every three days. That may not seem much of an inconvenience, and since I usually leave it for half an hour or so before returning when connection has resumed, little is lost. However, the same sort of disconnection happens almost never on four other sites of similar subscription. At this point I can't recall such a disconnection on the other sites it's so long ago. That's my experience for what it's worth. It would of course be a pleasure if the disconnections disappeared :)
However, it does get quite flaky at times by failing to connect for one reason or another.

Does it give you a CloudFlare error when it fails to connect?

This site has less than stellar uptime. I have a dedicated monitor to keep track of it.

Does it give you a CloudFlare error when it fails to connect?
There are two different screens, one is the Cloudflare one with images, and the other is a message of text in the GUI saying that connection cannot be made and to try again in a few minutes.
We are currently up to 7 days.....1 week..... of putting up with this crap
Perhaps a poll would be of benefit.

To nut out just how many of's users are affected by this malady.

The info could be beneficial to some who may be tearing their hair out wondering why they cannot access this site in their usual manner ?
An alternative approach can also be provided here.




Perhaps there will be no need for that.

I see @Rob is in the house


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@Rob .....have you had any joy finding the problem/instigating a fix ?
Hmm... I'm not sure what I'm allowed to share and I requested permission to share something but never got that permission. I'm going to make a giant assumption and assume that I can share this.

@Rob is exceptionally busy.

More than that I do not know, but I'm going to go ahead and say that he's not dead or anything - he's just exceptionally busy.

I make no claims beyond that. I have no idea what his plans are for this problem.

In the meantime, the forum itself gives notifications. You can refresh the pages and see those notifications. I manage to use the site without any email notifications except for a few older threads that are still active and predate me turning off email notifications.

So, while a week may seem long, I'd urge patience and understanding. Assume the best, rather than the worst. That sort of thing.

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