Slackware turns 30!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
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For those who are interested the oldest continuing Linux Distro is turning 30 this year!
You may never have used Slackware but it has influenced Linux for a long time
Happy Birthday Slack!


(Sorry... I stole the birthday card from someone else. ;))

Happy Birthday, Slackware! :cool::D
Is Slackware dead yet?

(Someone had to ask.)

30 years is an AMAZING milestone in the tech industry. Congratulations to all involved. Putting together a distro can be a thankless job. Putting together a distro for 30 years is a monumental accomplishment.
Slackware updates are so few and far between that it makes Debian look like a reckless bongler.
Happy Birthday, 'ya senile ole' goat!
I believe Debian is 30 years old as well this year
I believe Debian is 30 years old as well this year
Maybe next month the date passes for the anniversary. I had thought they would wait until the anniversary to make "Bookworm" the new stable release.

FreeBSD became also 30 years old early in June IINM. <3
Seriously, I hope Patrick (I'm not even going to attempt to spell his last name) is celebrating today.

I'm sure all sorts of Slackware users are going to use this as a good excuse to celebrate.

But, it makes me wonder...

Slackware is 30 years old. How many people have used Slackware consistently for that entire time?

Did the first Slackware users just keep using Slackware this entire time? I don't believe we have any Slackers that have been with the distro since day one, but I'm quite curious as to how many people have been users since day one (or close enough to day one).
Seriously, I hope Patrick (I'm not even going to attempt to spell his last name) is celebrating today.
I have memorized it. It starts like "Volkswagen" and otherwise he's not a king, he's a dictator. :D

Minnesota producing a lot of great people, such as Prince who sadly died in 2016.
Patrick Volkerding is a BDFL, (Benevolent Dictator For Life), one of quite a few in the open source world. See:

Heh... I've heard the expression before but clicked your link.

Story Time With KGIII (and it's even on-topic):

Matt Mullenweg is on the list, of WordPress fame, which I kinda expected once I started scrolling.

There are estimates that WordPress powers about 1/3 of all public-facing websites (in part or in whole).

I used b2 before WordPress came along. Man, back in the day it was expensive to find a hosting company that even had PHP as an option. Finding Perl as an option (CGI - common gateway interface) was more common - and less expensive. So, I used to be able to smash out a bit of Perl, but I digress.

Here's a quote from Wikipedia's WordPress page:

"WordPress is among the most popular content management systems – it was used by 42.8% of the top 10 million websites as of October 2021."

Now, back to the subject...

I believe I got Red Hat from a book that came with a CD. I'm pretty sure it was a CD, though I think the bookstore had an option with floppies.

My memory is a bit dim at this next stage...

My first exposure to Slackware was on floppies. This wasn't my first exposure to free software. There was lots of 'freeware' out at the time. By graces, I was already familiar with the free software movement. For better or worse, I went to school with one of the 'founders' of free software and one of the greatest proponents.


I don't remember how many floppy disks it was, but it was a bunch. The person that gave them to me did so willingly and literally gave them to me. They didn't charge me any money, because they were now a disciple of free software and all that it entailed.

I dimly recall testing it. I remember being baffled by the installation process. The concept of telling the format process what to do was intense, to say the least. As I recall, I even had to specify the specific sector of the disk - by number - for both the start and end. I also had to leave room and make a bunch of partitions. I'd done some of this in the past, but this process was difficult for me.

It didn't come with a manual. It came with a bunch of printed out notes - old dot matrix printer paper, as memory serves. These were notes made by the person who gave me all these Slackware installation disks.

At least I'm pretty sure that's how the story went. I could be mixing it up with Red Hat.

I remember finally getting the OS installed and tinkering with it for a few weeks on a spare computer. It ran well enough, but I didn't find it all that useful - or as easily useful - as Windows 95 or 98 (or whatever I was using at the time). It tweaked my inner geek, but I really wasn't able to get that much use out of it for what I was doing at the time on desktop computers.

I've played with Slackware a number of times since, but I'm definitely not a Slackware user.

I still have great respect for the distro. I still love that Slackware exists, and it's great that it has existed this long. I might have to have a glass or two of wine and install Slackware in a VM, just to play with it again.

Out above my garage are boxes full of crap that I kept from before this house was built. In that pile of crap are some old bits and bobs of computer history that seemed important at the time. I don't know if they still exist, but that's where those disks would be all these years later.

(I was not in the habit of re-using disks.)

Someday, some poor sap will have been hired by my heirs to clean that junk out of there to dispose of it properly. They might just find themselves a bunch of disks to install an early version of Slackware.

Again, my memory is pretty poor and this was many years ago.

I do remember Knopix a bit better, 'cause it booted to a GUI and ate my MBR even though I never mounted any disks. I was less than impressed.
I've been running Slackware for 10 years plus and it's been stable.
It was stable when Slackware was version 14 too.
I had a screensaver issue years ago but that wasn't the end of the world.

Updates that I run every week on Slackware 15 stable go well, no complaints.

Slackware isn't easy to run and it certainly will not hold your hand.
However, if your willing to read all of the documentation and research and learn what you don't understand it runs just the way Pat designed it to.
I don't remember how many floppy disks it was, but it was a bunch. The person that gave them to me did so willingly and literally gave them to me. They didn't charge me any money, because they were now a disciple of free software and all that it entailed.
In my collection of floppies for Slackware there where 25 or 26 floppies took a week to get is set up on my old machine at the time I think one or two of the floppies contained Ham Radio software though. That was my reason for trying linux in the first place. Time marches on though and Though there will always be a soft spot in my memory for Slack I use Debian or a derivative these days and things are so much simpler to install and configure. :)
In my collection of floppies for Slackware there where 25 or 26 floppies took a week to get is set up on my old machine at the time I think one or two of the floppies contained Ham Radio software though.

That sounds about right, including the installation length - though I have insomnia issues that were untreated at the time and probably finished faster than a week.

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