Some ideas for my os to add in


Feb 1, 2024
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Well, few days ago after making this linux account, i was made a thread about a LFS (Linux from scratch) project here :
But i saw that no one replied, and tried to remove it but without something, so i made a new thread - this one that you read right now - to discuss about somsthings to add in my distro, like how will it work, what's the utilities that it have and more, fell free to ask what you want and if you have a code to show...... fell free too , that's all.

I think you need some network things for example:

  • iproute2 (ip command)
  • ip(6)tables (firewall)
  • netstat (optional but useful)

AND tools

  • vim (editor)
  • awk (String manipulation)
  • sed (String manipulation)
  • grep (String filterting)
  • find
  • cat (display and merge content)
I think you need some network things for example:

  • iproute2 (ip command)
  • ip(6)tables (firewall)
  • netstat (optional but useful)

AND tools

  • vim (editor)
  • awk (String manipulation)
  • sed (String manipulation)
  • grep (String filterting)
  • find
  • cat (display and merge content)
ok but i need something new that makes the os different from any other os
ok but i need something new that makes the os different from any other os
Create a distribution without Gnu tools since 99% of the distributions out there use that.
Well, there's something that can be bad i made, that alot of linux commands names has been changed, like i made mkfile instead of touch, or rm for removing and rn for renaming (same names rn and rm) , what about man that i made it help and the ls that is now lst, and uname that's info, so the linux users will need a custom tutorial for my os to use it and i have to make a custom desktop environment that's compatable with my os only or making it compatable with my os or other oss. So let it as same or change the command namds to the default?
Oh yeah can someone suggest me a good name for the software, cuz i dont have an idea for a good name

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