Hey, Linux.org community, I hope you're having an amazing morning, evening, night, or whatever part of the day it is in your timezone. With all of that aside, I have a big problem: Xfce is gone.
So basically, earlier today, I tried to install GNOME on my own like the stubborn know-it-all wannabe I am, and got myself into a rather sticky situation. I purged all of the Xfce files and rebooted my PC to install GNOME, but to my surprise, booted in a tty terminal. I tried reinstalling Xfce back with the command to do so; but ran into multiple errors telling me to run $sudo apt-get update or another command. I ran apt search on Xfce and it came back positive, which means I'm definitely connected to the internet. I'll leave screenshots for reference. Thanks in advance. I'm praying this isn't gonna be like the other forums where they just shame me for not knowing something and being a Kali user.
So basically, earlier today, I tried to install GNOME on my own like the stubborn know-it-all wannabe I am, and got myself into a rather sticky situation. I purged all of the Xfce files and rebooted my PC to install GNOME, but to my surprise, booted in a tty terminal. I tried reinstalling Xfce back with the command to do so; but ran into multiple errors telling me to run $sudo apt-get update or another command. I ran apt search on Xfce and it came back positive, which means I'm definitely connected to the internet. I'll leave screenshots for reference. Thanks in advance. I'm praying this isn't gonna be like the other forums where they just shame me for not knowing something and being a Kali user.