I wish to build a PC, however I don’t really want to pay the $130 to get Windows on a custom built PC (I had Windows on a Laptop, however it croaked on me), and I was wondering which one would be best for
A. A beginner (Duh!)
And B. These things I’ll be doing:
- Programming, this will include (This is mostly why I thought of Linux!):
- Graphical Stuff with Unity
- Website stuff
- Graphics Stuff with OpenGL and OptiX
- PCVR development with Unity
- Minecraft Mod Development
- Minecraft
- Subnautica
- Various PCVR games, like Half-Life Alyx
- Portal 1 and 2
- Some AI and ML stuff, maybe
I know Linux isn’t built for gaming, however one that could run Proton or Wine would be a plus.
Thanks for the help, wonderful Linux community!
A. A beginner (Duh!)
And B. These things I’ll be doing:
- Programming, this will include (This is mostly why I thought of Linux!):
- Graphical Stuff with Unity
- Website stuff
- Graphics Stuff with OpenGL and OptiX
- PCVR development with Unity
- Minecraft Mod Development
- 3D Modeling and Rendering with Blender
- Homework sometimes on chrome or Firefox cause Linux
- playing video games, some of them are:
- Minecraft
- Subnautica
- Various PCVR games, like Half-Life Alyx
- Portal 1 and 2
- Some AI and ML stuff, maybe
I know Linux isn’t built for gaming, however one that could run Proton or Wine would be a plus.

Thanks for the help, wonderful Linux community!